Virgo: How to Heal Your Wound

Virgo: How to heal your wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have neve
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
In this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are a Virgo, like Leo, you struggle with allowing to show others how you feel. However,
you also have a hard time dealing with pain because it is not in your nature to feel this way, it is
as if this is not logical or it is a bit odd.
This pain is related to something that was not part of your plan, but it was part of the Universe’s
plan and no matter how hard you may feel this pain, there is a lesson behind it. Which we are
sure with time, you will reveal.
Now, when you are hurt, as mentioned before it is as if it is not normal for you to show others
how confused you feel. You avoid this pain by working and sticking to your self-improving
routine. You might find the time to be with friends and show how strong you are, but suddenly
you will realize the reason why you are in so much pain and burst into tears.
Times like these, you need a friend more than ever Virgo and you need to accept that it is ok to
push the pause button on your strict routine and acknowledge your feelings. You are a very
rational and logical sign, you praise what is practical and dealing with your emotions isn’t an
easy task for you, and we all know that, however, you are great at realizing in what it is that you
need to self-improve in life. Reality is, feeling pain is part of anyone’s life, it is all of part of
blooming and developing in this beautiful world.

You have a hard time accepting change and anything that affects your routine, but you need to
accept that life is a journey of which you may find several obstacles that weren’t part of your
plan. Learn to breathe and to control your anxiety, nothing in life is perfect.
Learn to forgive and let go once and for all, this doesn’t mean that you need to act as if things are
normal, but to accept that this happened for a reason and there is nothing that you could’ve said
or done to change this.
The Universe writes your plan in cricket lines, providing you the lesson that you need to learn,
and it does not give anything that you can not handle. Trust that this happened for a reason, and
do not struggle with finding the logical reason behind it, instead learn how to deal with your
pain, surround yourself with your closest friends and express your true feelings. Forget about that
project that you need to work on and give yourself a break. Pamper yourself and allow others to
give you affection.
 Life’s only “pill” to curing a wound is time and it is not just time itself, but it is what you do
with your time that matters. In your case Virgo, you need to learn that at some point in time, the
routine is not everything, and sticking to your plan might not be the right plan for you during this
healing process. Instead, schedule a day with your friends to express what you are going through,
schedule an appointment at a spa, and allow yourself to relax, forgive, and forget.

Leo: How to Heal Your Wound

Leo: How to heal your wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
In this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are a Leo, you know how much you have a heart full of love and passion, and you are not
afraid of giving affection. You are aware of how worthy you are and do not take any disrespect
from anyone. You have this awesome way of teaching others how to respect you without
offending or being arrogant. You have this bubbly personality and everyone in the room notices
how much you glow, and let us face it, you love that people have this idea of you. The person
who is always in the spotlight, who is very friendly and always very happy with his or her life,
however, we know that this is not always the case.
When you’re hurt Leo, only a few people know about this because you don’t want to show others
your true feelings and how hurt you are because that would wound not only you but also your
ego. So, whenever you are truly hurt you will not allow others to see what is going on, and if you
do, you speak about the subject for several hours.
The truth this, when you are hurt you are the zodiac sign that needs the most attention and
unfortunately, not everyone has the patience to hear you speak out repeatedly. However,
whoever does have the patience of listening to you, and giving you affection and providing you
all the attention you need is worth keeping in your life. When you are hurt, you will find ways to
distract yourself and be the soul of the party but by the end of the day, you will remember what it
was that was hurting you. You surround yourself by friends during this time, however, it is not

always possible for them to support you during these times, and we all know how needy of
attention you are during these times. So we ask that you try not to be offended by the fact that
your friend can not make it to your house when you need it the most. Instead, search for ways to
ease the pain through meditation. Allow your mind to take a break from this issue that keeps on
replaying in your head nonstop and allow yourself to breathe before doing anything else.
The key to releasing your pain is accepting things as they are which you sometimes have a hard
time doing. It is as if someone is to blame all the time, and that might not always be the case.
Accept that whatever it is that is hurting you, is a lesson and will only make you stronger than
you already are.
Find it in your heart, to be vulnerable sometimes, cry and shout in front of the people you most
love. You do not need to show that you are strong and that you do not cry. Remember that you
do not need to justify any of your feelings to anyone, and you do not need to prove anything to
anyone, allow yourself to mourn, and above all to breathe in and breathe out.
 Life’s only “pill” to curing a wound is time and it is not just time itself, but it’s what you do with your
time that matters. In your case Leo, we know that you can be a bit impatient at times and will do
everything to rush this pain away. Learn to accept the pain, learn to feel the pain, and learn to allow
your ego to get out of the way during your healing process.

Karmic Debt: 12th House

Karmic Debt: 12 th House
Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go through
certain obstacles in life and understand what it is that we must improve.
So, before you read this article, we advise that you look at your natal chart, where your planets are
placed and if any of them are in your houses.
So, for example, You Jupiter is in Libra and you are a Libra ascendant (look at the degrees as well) this
means that your Jupiter is in the first house.
Below is a description of planets that indicate which karma you’ve gained through past lives, this will
help you understand what errors you’ve committed in the past, as well as, what it is that you need to
overcome in this life.
The 12 th House
The 12 house is a complex house, it is the house that represents Karma, it is where you look at to figure
out what his hidden and what is dug into your subconscious mind from past lives. This is the house of
your unjustified fears and trauma, carried from the life you have once lived but do not recall. This is the
house of your enemies and your dark side, your psychological mind, this is the house of sleep and
This house is a great indicator of who we are, our traits, where we lived in the past life.
If there are planets in this house, or if the ruler of this house is not comfortable or not well aspected,
this means that the person has a tendency of committing the same mistakes repeatedly. People with
planets in the natal 12 th house struggle with their family and home, they may also have several
memories from past lives which they struggle to understand in this life.
When your ascendant is the ruler of the 12 th House, this means that your soul will go through twice the
struggle to overcome obstacles, in the same circumstances and in the same family, and most likely in the
same country that his or her soul lived in the past life.
Jupiter in the 12 th House
Jupiter in the 12 th house indicates a person who was wealthy and did so little to help out those in need,
in this life, he or she will struggle with having very little to spend but with a great desire to help others. It
is important that this person realizes that the more he or she gives, the more he or she receives.
Saturn in the 12 th House
Saturn in the 12 th House indicates a person who was distanced from everyone, and never creating
connection with people. This was a person who lived to learn and never shared his or her knowledge. In
this life, this person will find him or herself obligated to connect with people to progress.

Uranus in the 12 th House
Uranus in the 12 th House indicates a person who had a free spirit, who was rebel and never really
followed the rules. In this life, this person will struggle to feel free. This is a person who you would
normally find working in closed spaces such as prisons, or rehab centers or even captured and locked
down against his or her will away from society.
Neptune in the 12 th House
Neptune in the 12 th House represents an old soul, so this means that if the 12 th house does not have any
other negative placements, that this soul is on its way to accomplishing internally it’s mission. However,
if this is not the case, this indicates a person who tends to escape from reality, might have illusions,
might daydream, or see things that are not there. In this life, this person is inclined to figuring out about
his or her past life for several reasons, he or she might do this through therapy, or hypnosis, however
this person chooses to try to figure this out, he or she may find that it is an obstacle in understanding
what it is, this person also struggles with understanding his or her mission in this life time.
The twelfth house is a very delicate house, and a great indicator of what your past mistakes were. If you
are highly interested in to understanding what was done in your past life, we suggest you have a natal
chart reading with someone who is certified in karmic astrology, other methods such as hypnosis or reiki
are great to solve past life traumas and filter your chakra energies allowing you to cleanse your Karma.
The first real step to cleansing your Karma is being aware, and we trust that we have provided you with
just the right information. Let us know how you can relate to this, where is your 12 th House? Have you
ever experienced anything different or do you have any traumas? Have you solved them? We look
forward to hearing all about what you have to say about this.

Taurus: How to Heal the Painful Wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
On this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are a Taurus, you know how calm and patient you are, you have this beautiful vibe to you that
allows others to feel relaxed around you, and it is a hard task hurting you for this same reason. You do
not hurt easily, and it is hard for others to hurt you because you are very loyal! However, some people
take advantage of how calm you are, and at some point, you can lose your patience, and that’s when I
suggest to whoever it is that is in front of you to run. I like to compare the Taurus exactly to its symbol, if
you poke a Taurus once, he won’t mind it, poke him twice it will try to ignore you, but once you’ve
crossed that line there is no way you’ll see a relaxed and usual Taurus. It takes a lot to get a Taurus hurt,
but whenever a Taurus does get hurt, he has every right to be.
Taurus when you are hurt, you hold negative feelings towards the people that have hurt you and you
have the the hardest time in letting go of those feelings. A part of you wants to communicate with that
person, on the other hand, another part of you has this hard time letting go of the fact that he or she
hurt you.
You aren’t an impulsive sign, and we are sure that you already know how to manage those feelings,
however our advice to you is to not let your feelings accumulate in such a way and explode last minute.
Try to express what it is that you are feeling, and accept change (which we all know you have the
hardest time accepting), but accept that everything happens for a reason and that sometimes change is
needed to learn, and progress.
Do not avoid your feelings, and fill the the gap with pleasures such as food, or purchasing luxurious
items, Instead, learn how to get out your comfort zone, learn how to deal with these feelings that you

are experiencing, and why it is that you feel the way you do. You above all people, do not want to
discuss anything that will cause chaos or conflicts, and we understand that you love keeping the peace,
but sweeping dirt under the rug only works for a minimum amount of time.
Learn to accept what others do and feel as well, as we know how stubborn you are at times. You are
entitled to what you believe in, but other people might have a point as well. So learn to accept advice
from wise people around you, those who you admire, and who has always been loyal to you.
Instead of avoiding your feelings, learn to express them through healthy activities that bring out the best
in you.  You have a great talent since you are ruled by the planet of Venus (planet of entertainment and
love) so use that talent to express your feelings, and do not avoid those feelings.
Do not hold on to items that no longer serve you well, we know you have the hardest time of letting go
of items, pictures and gifts that are attached to precious memories but at some point, we need to learn
to keep those memories in our heart and in our minds when they no longer serve us well.
As we all know, time is the only true “pill” in life to cure a wound, but it is what you do with the time
that allows yourself to heal. As a Taurus, you are granted with the gift of patience and we know
that you are capable of accepting and being patient throughout this process of healing your

Gemini: How to Heal the Painful Wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
On this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are a Gemini, you are great at communicating with others, very sociable and enjoy
spreading the news; however, when you are hurt this is not always the case.
When you are hurt, you do not evaluate what others might feel, nor do you think that it is normal
to feel anything at all. You try to see the logic behind it, and you can sometimes be very
malicious while doing so.
To you, it is all about what is rational, and you have a hard time with emotions. At some point,
you even try to avoid them. Reality is that not everything has to have a logical sense, we all have
emotions and react in different ways. When you are hurt, you are confused as to why you feel
what you are feeling, so most of you might speak up in a grumpy way or be a bit moody
throughout this process.
You sometimes have a bad habit of being disrespectful towards others when you feel this way as
if they were to blame. Please take the time to evaluate your feelings and to avoid this from
You are also a champ at avoiding your feelings through spending your time in doing whatever it
is that you like, or getting involved in learning new things, and do not get me wrong! This is a
great habit, however, avoiding your feelings is not a great solution.

This does not mean that you’ve healed, this just means that you’re avoiding going through that
rollercoaster of emotions that you need to go through and overcome once and for all.
You are great communicators as mentioned before, but when it comes to emotions you have a
hard way of communicating what it is that you feel at times, just because you can’t identify well
to those emotions without analyzing why it is that you’re feeling this way and why it might not
be rational of you to feel this way. You need to learn that these emotions are normal, what you
feel is normal, and it is not mandatory to find a logical reason as to why you feel this way.
During this process, we highly advise you that you take your time to put at practice what you
were blessed with which is communication, and even if this means communicating through
writing. Start to right down what it is that you are feeling, write as if you were writing to that the
person who has departed, or a letter to the person who has hurt you. Even if this means, that you
must go somewhere, a short distance trip alone, in nature or in a nearby city to do so. When you
are done with writing this all down, acknowledge your feelings and if you are ok with saving
whatever it is that you’ve written do so, the next day, take a look at it to see how you still feel
about it, and this will help you deal with your emotions as to why it is you are feeling what you
You above all zodiac signs have a hard time with your emotions, most people think of you like
that person that has it all together and who is always extremely playful, but deep down you know
that isn’t always the case and you have a hard time showing the world that this isn’t always you.
Life’s only “pill” to curing a wound is time and it is not just time itself, but it’s what you do with
your time that matters. In your case, Gemini, do not avoid your feelings by filling your schedule
with fun activities, take the time to learn how to deal with your emotions rather than ignoring

Cancer: How to Heal the Painful Wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
In this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are a Cancer, we all know how protective you are of the ones you love. You put family
first, and you treat your true friends as if they were family. You care for people as if they were
part of you. You are great at expressing your feelings, but for this same reason, people consider
you to be a bit moody.
You are highly sensitive, which means that you might be offended by things that other people
won’t understand why, when your hurt, you tend to not speak out loud about it to avoid issues,
however, just like the element water you are very clear and people can see right through you that
something is odd about you. At the exact moment, someone asks you what is wrong, you burst
down into tears or suddenly burst your anger because you have held on for too long to those
feelings inside of you. Similar to Taurus, you will be patient and allow other people to take
advantage of that, but not for too long, there will come a time where you no longer can hold it in.
 Some consider you to be the cry baby, but we consider this a blessing to allow your emotions to
manifest through tears, allowing you to not avoid it internally and react. This is a healthy
process, that allows you to recognize your emotions, and as those tears drop relieving the pain
drop by drop.

Cancer you are usually associated with a mother figure, and known for your ability to nurture
and care for people, which is true, however, some people just see you as that pouting person who
is hurt often, and there is more to you than just that.
Your beautiful and caring energy isn’t similar to others, and not everyone can understand that
you feel things in such a way that not even you can ignore those feelings or distract yourself
from them.
You have a hard time of letting go of whatever it is that hurts you when you are hurt, you
struggle with distracting yourself from the thoughts, you also have a very good photographic
memory, so you replay the scenes in your head over and over again. Not allowing you to get rid
of negative thoughts and feelings.
When you are hurt, accept the process that you were designed for, allow yourself to cry and
accept that this is not embarrassing or childish as other people describe it to be. Do not let it get
to the point where you burst, address and speak up about what it is that is hurting you, instead of
holding it all in until the point where you can no longer breathe.
Allow others to take care of you when you need it the most, allow yourself to feel the warmth of
a hug from that special person who is willing to listen and care for you at that moment, you need
to feel supported and even if this means that you need to travel just to get near the people you
love, you should.
You above all signs, hurt and replay in your head whatever it is that is hurting you for days,
weeks, months and even years, you have the hardest time of letting go and releasing the pain no
matter how hard you try, which is why you should learn to accept, and above all forgive.
Forgiving doesn’t mean that you go back to how things were, but that you’ve accepted that there
was nothing that you could do to change the past and that you’ve accepted this as a lesson in life.
Life’s only “pill” to curing a wound is time and it is not just time itself, but it’s what you do with
your time that matters. In your case Cancer, we know hurt you can be, and not everyone
understands this, but the people that do are worth keeping forever in your life and allow them to
nurture and care for you during these times.

Aries: How to Heal The Painful Wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
On this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are an Aries, I am sure you can relate very much to this description. When you are hurt, it’s as if
someone has punched you in the face, even if they haven’t. Your pride does not allow you to manifest
why you are hurt in a quiet calm way. Your temper and force need to be at use most of the time, you
have this urge to let all of your anger out, and let’s be honest here, you’d love to hurt the person who
did this to you, but of course, that isn’t the right thing to do. If you are like most Aries I know, you want
to fight the first person you see, and it is normal to feel angry. Since you are ruled by Mars the planet of
War, of course, you need to battle and conquer, but let’s face the truth, by getting physically into a fight,
you will end up with more damage and more trouble. So before taking that impulsive step we consider
that you put your rage towards other activities such as sports that involve competition, screaming, and
getting all that negative anger out of you. I am sure that by the second you listen to some music through
your headphones and go outside to take a simple walk or to run that you will feel immediately better.
Now, of course, we are not considering that this will solve immediately the pain that you are feeling,
however, as we have said before, there is no easy way out of pain. It is learning to accept the fact that
you cannot change what has happened, accept it as a lesson and learn to move on through what you do
with your time.
Your passion and competitive ways are useful while practicing sports, you were granted with the gift of
going to war without any second thoughts and this is exactly what you need, take the time to search for

sports or any physical activity that will tire you by the end of the day, and allow you to drain all of that
anger and rage by the end of the day.
Take the time to acknowledge what it is that you are feeling, write it down even if you have to, don’t try
to blame others for your pain, and accept that everyone surrounding you is not part of the problem. We
know how hurtful you can be towards other people that have nothing to do with what you are going
through. So, be careful to not hurt others as well. You above all zodiac signs, you are very impatient and
have a hard time dealing with negative feelings because you seek quick solutions, however, you have a
great determination that many desire, and when you are determined to do whatever you want to do, or
to overcome any obstacle you have everything that it takes to do so.
Aries, believe in yourself more than ever and do not second guess your value based on your pain, and do
not find the need to show that you have strength by getting into unnecessary fights. Instead, use your
will power towards healthy activities and we assure you that you will be successful.
As we all know, time is the only true “pill” in life to cure a wound, but it is what you do with the time
that allows yourself to heal.

Karmic Debt: Planets in the Seventh, Eight and Ninth House

Karmic Debt: Planets in the Seventh, Eight and Ninth House

Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go
through certain obstacles in life and understand what it is that we must improve.
So, before you read this article, we advise that you look at your natal chart, where your planets
are placed, and if any of them are in your houses.
So, for example, You Jupiter is in Capricorn and your seventh house is in Capricorn (look at the
degrees as well) this means that Jupiter is sitting in your seventh house.
Below is a description of planets that indicate which karma you’ve gained through past lives, this
will help you understand what errors you’ve committed in the past, as well as, what it is that you
need to overcome in this life.
The Seventh House represents your spouse and your business relationships. This is the house of
other people.
7th  House – Other people – Business Relationships as well as your spouse.
Jupiter in the 7 th  House
If Jupiter is not well placed or creating any negative aspects, this shows a person who did not
value relationships. In this life, this person will struggle with the same, however, he or she will
desire a relationship very much. He or she must learn how to have a relationship and that it
should be valued.
Saturn in the 7 th  House
Saturn in the 5 th  House shows a person who has a hard time with marriage, he or she might attract
someone who is extremely focused only on him or herself because, in the past life, that was
exactly what he or she did. There is a high possibility that this person will marry later in life, and
if not, might go through a divorce.
Uranus in the 7 th  House
Uranus in the 7 th  House indicates a person who was not capable of compromising, and who
always wanted freedom and individuality. In this life, this person will struggle with attracting a
partner with these qualities.
Neptune in the 7 th   House
Neptune in the 7 th  House indicates a person who reacted out of rage and would seek revenge in
relationships by betraying and disregarding other people’s feelings. In this life, he or she might
struggle with people who will betray.
Pluto in the 7 rd  House
Pluto in the 7 th  House indicates a person who was extremely strict, jealous, possessive, and
controlling of his or her spouse. In this life, he or she will attract this same energy.  

8 th   House – Work, Health, and Pets
The 8th house represents dark topics such as death and rebirth, mystery, and inheritance. This
house shows how you experience these in life as well.  
Jupiter in the 8 th  House
Jupiter in this house not well placed shows a person who did not value inheritance, who spent it
all unwisely and did not value love. In this life, he or she shall learn to not only dedicate his or
her time to adventure but to also finding true love.
Saturn in the 8 th  House
Saturn in the 8 th  house indicates a person who has suffered tremendously in the past life with
deaths, and losing people, this person ended up giving up on life or in having any faith. This is
why in this life, this person attracts someone who is not affectionate and who is strict.
Uranus in the 8 th  House
Uranus in the eighth house indicates a person who did not value money, other people’s money,
and who might have created war. In this life, this person will struggle with money, and with
maintaining relationships and friendships for this same reason.
Neptune in the 8 th  House
Neptune in the 8 th  House shows a person who would use his or her body to get exactly what he or
she wanted, this person was capable of stepping over everything and everyone for this same
reason. In this life, this person might struggle with having an intimate relationship and with
Pluto in the 8 th  House
Pluto in the 8 th  House indicates a person who was dishonest and corrupt with money,
disregarding others and through manipulation achieved exactly what he or she wanted. In this
life, this person will experience several deaths and unexpected financial losses.

9 th  House – Long Distance Travel, Belief System, Teachers
The 9 th  House is the house of faith, education, and belief system. The 9 th  House is a great way of
understanding how we can expand our skills and improve others.
Jupiter in the 9 th  House
Jupiter in the 9 th  House represents a person who never focused on just one thing at a time in the
past life, he or she traveled, however, he did not value the true significance and mission of his or
her life. In this life, he or she shall continue on this mission and learn to focus.
Saturn in the 9 th  House represents a person that was forced to believe what his or her family
believed in, in the past life. In this life, this person will have a hard time learning how to have
Uranus in the 9 th  House

Uranus in the 9 th  House represents a person who did not respect the rules and detached easily
from education, in this life, this person will tend to try to change those rules, there is also a high
possibility of this person being very intuitive.
Neptune in the 9 th  House
Neptune in the 9 th  House represents a person who had a hard time developing his or her
spirituality, and who may have crossed the line by trying to do so. In this life, this person is
always searching for someone who can teach him or her to do so.
Pluto in the 9 th  House represents a person who was obsessed with the matters of the 9 th  House,
and who may have caused emotional damage. In this life, this person can be very connected and
can even remember what he or she learned in a past life. He or she will continue his or her
journey to learn with caution.
The first step of cleansing your karma is realizing what you’ve done, so we trust that this will
help you understand and accept your lesson. Now that you are aware, you can work towards
solving and contributing to the lesson that you must learn in this reincarnation.
Let us know if you can relate to these descriptions in the comments section. We look forward to
hearing your feedback.

Karmic Debt: Planets in the 10th and 11th House

Karmic Debt: Planets in the 10th and 11th House

Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go
through certain obstacles in life and understand what it is that we must improve.
So, before you read this article, we advise that you look at your natal chart, where your planets
are placed, and if any of them are in your houses.
So, for example, You Jupiter is in Capricorn and your 10 th   house is in Capricorn (look at the
degrees as well) this means that Jupiter is sitting in your 10 th   house.
Below is a description of planets that indicate which karma you’ve gained through past lives, this
will help you understand what errors you’ve committed in the past, as well as, what it is that you
need to overcome in this life.
10 th  House – Career, Mother Figure, Mission (MC)
 The 10 th  House is an important house since this is an indicator of your mission and your career.
This house is your public persona, what you show the world according to your desires.
Jupiter in the 10 th  House
In past lives, this person was very well known and had a popular reputation, for this same reason,
the person did not work hard to achieve his or her goals, and was extremely vain. In this life, this
person needs to learn how to use his or her talent instead of relying on his or her luck and
Saturn in the 10 th  House
In this life, this person may struggle with achieving his or her goals and for recognition, because
in the past life he or she did not work hard, relied on others to do his or her work. In this life, it is
possible to be successful however it will take extra effort to win everyone’s trust and respect.
Uranus in the 10 th  House
In the past life, this person had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time, and for this same
reason easily got bored and left his or her job. In this life, this person desires to help others and to
be free while doing so, so he or she may struggle to keep a job.
Neptune in the 10 th  House
Neptune in the 10 th  House represents a person who was very confused about his or her public
status, as well as, his or her career, leading to choose what wasn’t according to his or her desire
and attracting conflicts. In this life, this person will struggle to keep a job and is most likely to be
Pluto in the 10 th  House
In the past lives, this person was very well known and popular and used his or her popularity to
manipulate and control everything around him or her. In this life, the person will be confused
about his or her career and will have a hard time to achieve recognition.

11 th  House – Social Network
The 11 th  House is your social network, it is your group of friends. This is also an important house
because we all need friends to help us grow as a person and to help our spirit learn as well on
earth. Some friendships are from our past lives as well. A great way at looking to see if that is the
case is comparing both natal charts and seeing what aspects your planets and their planets create
in your eleventh house, and if these are negative aspects than it’s a great indicator that your
friend was a rival in the past life, and is trying to do the same in this life.
Jupiter in 11 th  House
If Jupiter is not creating any bad aspects, this is a blessing, you are blessed with many friends
who bring positive energy and luck to you, however, if it creates bad aspects, this means that in
the past life you were blessed with many friends, but never appreciated them, in this life, you
might struggle with friends who try to take advantage of you.
Saturn in the 11 th  House
In the past life, this person was not always part of his or her group of friends and they couldn’t
rely on him or her. This is why in this life, he or she may struggle to fit in and attract distant
Uranus in the 11 th  House
In the past life, this person would ghost and detach from friends easily, which is why in this life
he or she may meet people who will do the same.
Neptune in the 11 th  House
In the past life, this person was involved in groups of friends who would try to harm others
through dark magic, in this life, this person may be involved with a toxic group of friends. So if
your Neptune is in the 11 th  House we highly advise you to join a group that is as healthy as
possible, and that escapes reality in healthy ways such as art, poetry, theatre, or even singing.
Pluto in the 11 th  House
In the past life, this person might have been involved with a group of rebel friends who caused
chaos just for fun, in this life, this person might struggle with bullying (depending on how other
planets aspect this, along with Mars) and friends that try to manipulate and create conflicts.
Please do be careful in who you confide in.
The first step of cleansing your karma is realizing what you’ve done, so we trust that this will
help you understand and accept your lesson. Now that you are aware, you can work towards
solving and contributing to the lesson that you must learn in this reincarnation.
Let us know if you can relate to these descriptions in the comments section. We look forward to
hearing your feedback.

Midheaven in Water Signs

Midheaven in Water Signs

The Midheaven (MC) is a great indicator of your public status and your career in your natal chart. The
MC is in the 10 th  House and this shows how comfortable a person is with speaking with the public, as
well as, what would be his or her career.
When speaking about the MC we cannot forget about the IC, these are both opposites to each other,
however, they both need to work together and please each other in a way, so that you are achieving
your mission.
So, when looking at your midheaven, you cannot disregard your IC (which is in your fourth house). The
IC represents what it is that your true desire and the midheaven shows how that will be done in the
public world.
Your IC is what you internally keep to yourself, and who you realize you are (which is about 6 years old),
and hide it from the world, however, your MC is what you show the world.
The IC also represents the father figure, while the MC represents the mother figure in your natal chart.
To know your MC, you must know your date of birth and the exact hour you were born. Your MC is not
your solar sign. May I remind you that your MC is in your tenth house cusp, while your IC is in your
fourth house cusp and despite being opposite from each other, they are both very connected.
Below is a description of MC in the fire signs, however, you should take into consideration what planets
are matching your tenth house, as well as any other aspects that it might create. So, make sure to see if
you have any other planets in your MC and if they are creating any other aspects with other planets as
Midheaven in Cancer
If your Midheaven is in Cancer, this means that your IC is in Capricorn. Growing up you were very
restricted at home, and your parents made you work hard. The father figure might have been highly
attached to work and money, not giving you the love and attention that you needed. This is why, when
you grow up you learn to nurture, protect, and cherish other people, and the public in general as if they
were your own family. This is why most people with Cancer Midheaven have a career that is related to
taking care of other people, such as children and the elderly. These people are also great with the health
field so you might even work at a hospital or rehab center. Since you are very sensitive to other people’s
needs, most people can take advantage of you and make fun of your public image, however, you are
mostly liked by everyone and some people envy you for that same reason. You secretly crave attention
and recognition for what it is that you do and are always aiming towards that possible promotion.
Midheaven in Scorpio
If your Midheaven is in Scorpio, your IC is in Taurus and this means that growing up you were very
concerned and connected your family and your family’s opinion. Depending on several aspects of your
chart, this also might mean that you rebelled against them many times, however, growing up they value
very much their family’s expectations which is why they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders,
however, in terms of a career you aren’t submissive, which means that you don’t like to take orders and
neither do you like to serve others. You like to be involved in things that require deep investigations and
dark topics that are related to Scorpio. People with a Midheaven Scorpio are great psychiatrists because
they have the capacity of hearing whatever it is, that others might consider taboo. They are also great

investigators. They also like to feel in control of what they do and like to somehow control and persuade
others which can make them great sales reps as well. People with Midheaven in Scorpio might also
follow the same path as their family members.
Midheaven in Pisces
If your Midheaven is in Pisces, your IC is in Virgo and this means that growing up you were that child
who was very reserved and enjoyed reading books, you’d also like to fix broken items. A family member
might have been so detail-oriented and wanted everything to be perfect, and this didn’t allow you to
always freely express yourself and recognize your emotions. This is why later in life, you find the need to
escape reality through your career and this can be writing books, performing art, singing, playing in a
band, acting, painting, and physical or spiritual healing. Your career is built mostly on your emotions,
and how you express them which to some is a gift, but to others might be challenging. Since Pisces is in
the house of public persona, your reputation might also suffer from criticism now and then. However, in
whatever it is that you do, most people can relate to you and you are very receptive to other people’s
Let us know where your MC is and if you can relate to these descriptions in the comments. We
look forward to hearing your feedback!