Venus in Scorpio – Men and Women

Venus In Scorpio Natal Chart

A water sign, Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto and is arguably the second most  powerful sign of the zodiac. Anyone who knows a Scorpio can attest to their ability to make things go their way either through force, or sheer willpower.

This is a sign that doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty if need be. Scorpios possess a magnetic, dominant energy that flows effortlessly. Once you’re in their orbit, consider yourself under surveillance. They’re paying attention to everything you do and coupling that information with their highly developed instincts. 

Scorpio is the only sign born with intelligence and a developed sense of intuition they trust. These people have the ability to rise to prominent positions in society and crush those who try to interfere along the way. They’re bold, passionate people and they leave an impression when they’re coming and going in people’s lives. 

Scorpio is sub ruled by the planet Mars which gives them an interesting outlook on life. Some of them may come across as more relaxed and jovial but make no mistake about it, these people are serious about life. 

That doesn’t always manifest itself in a negative manor, but you’ll get the message loud and clear. 

Dating Someone With This Placement 

When you’re dating someone with Venus in Scorpio, sit back and relax. No matter how much effort you put into trying to control the situation, you’re simply being handled. In the matters of the heart this placement is simply a few steps ahead at all times. 

That’s ok though, they’re great leaders in their relationships and they’ll make you feel special and cared for up until the moment you two are no longer an item. If they decide to keep you around for a lifetime, you’ll have an intensely loyal and formidable partner.

This placement has secrets and they’ll always have secrets and you’ll have to accept that as part of the terms of engagement. Those secrets aren’t necessarily detrimental, they just don’t like to tell everything that is currently going on with them. 

With this placement, give them a quiet place to retreat, and listen to them and you’re a step ahead of most. This placement has the potential to have a team of suitors who all play different roles in their lives so until you’ve been notified you’re the one and only, enjoy your time with them and don’t ask too many questions.

This is an extremely powerful placement and not to be taken lightly. If you get on this placements bad side, they have the capacity to unleash on you like nothing you’ve ever seen. 

In love, they are intelligent, intuitive, and emotionally powerful and in some cases, all of those things come together for the same goal. Try to help them relax with massages, baths, or trips to take their minds off things. 

A power struggle could definitely break out with this placement and they’re comfortable going to war so if you aren’t equipped, pick your battles carefully. Just relax, go with the flow as best you can, and follow your instincts. With this placement, a lot can be communicated without anything being said.

Having This Placement

Having Venus in Scorpio puts you in a unique position in love and relationships in general. You’re always in the driver’s seat and that’s where you’re most comfortable. In love, you’re dominant and possessive which could turn the relationship into a battle ground if you’re coupled with another strong willed person. 

It’s ok to give a little sometimes, you’d still be just as dominant and powerful as you always were, you’d just be adding another element to the complexity that is you. When you give a little or sit back and give a person room to be themselves without your dominant influence, you get a glimpse of how a person behaves when you’re not around.

 Just because you have the ability to attract and manage a team of suitors simultaneously doesn’t mean you should do it. 

If you must carry on like that, make your suitors aware of what they’re getting into and give them a choice. Although you’re a formidable opponent, you won’t win every battle. Even superman had kryptonite.

If you haven’t done so, work on balancing your intuition and your intellect in relationships. You’re gifted in both areas so be sure to nurture your gifts or lose them. In romance, your investigative skills are second to none. Your advice would be valuable to those wise enough to accept it. 

This placement has the potential to take advantage of, and or manipulate partners if given the opportunity. If a person trusts you and believes in you, that’s not a weakness. That’s an opportunity for you to do something good and steer that person in the right direction if you aren’t up for the leadership role.

Exploiting people has a way of backfiring. 

You may not be attractive in the traditional sense, but that doesn’t change a thing. Even though you aren’t picture perfect you’ll still be able to get exactly what you want repeatedly. Don’t be afraid to dream big and go after exactly what you want.

You have a tendency to attract dangerous people or end up in dangerous situations because of love and relationships. A thrill or two is ok but don’t make it a habit. Dangerous situations and or people can send you down a dark path and the power and influence you have in relationships could turn poisonous. 

If your energy turns poisonous, you’d ruin people for their next relationships creating a ripple effect you won’t want to be responsible for when you do finally heal from the emotional scars that caused you to turn poisonous in the first place.

A good rule of thumb is if it’s illegal, you shouldn’t do it. If a partner wrongs you or mistreats you, you don’t have to fly off the deep in to make things right or seek any form of retribution at all. That’s your ego taking you somewhere you don’t need to be. 

Simply learn from the experience, be grateful for the lesson, and continue on. 

Your best Venus matches are: Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Aries, and Pisces. 

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