Venus in Sagittarius – Men and Women

Venus In Sagittarius Natal Chart

Sagittarius is a fire sign represented by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. This energy manifests itself in the Sag’s larger than life personality. 

These people are optimistic, adventurous, and lucky. Sag’s often have a big picture view on life and become more philosophical as they age. They have big ideas and there isn’t a doubt in their minds they won’t be able to fulfill them, and they’re usually right.

Because they have a big picture view on life, they’re usually leaders in whatever field they decide to go into. Charging forward with optimism and tenacity, they often find themselves surrounded by people gravitating towards their unbreakable self-assuredness.

They just believe in themselves. They have a gift for thinking outside the box and they’re usually rough and tumble kind of people. They’ll take their bumps and bruises without complaining and they won’t be deterred. 

That combination of traits manifests as the driving force for success and the reason for it simultaneously. 

Even though the Sag is a predominantly mental person, there’s a hidden sensitivity to this sign that only shows up in the most extreme situations. Don’t worry, they don’t hold grudges they’re too busy charging forward into life accomplishing whatever goal they’ve set for themselves with a smile and a seemingly unending energy. 

Dating Someone With This Placement     

With Venus in Sagittarius, these people are lucky in love so if you’re dating someone with this placement, consider yourself a good catch. This placement has a notorious wondering eye so keep your distance until you know for sure you’re in a committed relationship and even then, stay alert. 

These people have an appetite for life and living it to the fullest. They aren’t trying to hurt anybody they just want to experience everything and spread the love. The fact that they attract lots of suitors doesn’t help.

This placement is very popular across the board and is never at a loss for possible connections so consider yourself lucky you have their attention and enjoy the ride. This placement takes a mental approach to love so a meeting of the minds is the way to their heart. 

All things mentally stimulating and fun will put a smile on their face if you can slow them down long enough to notice with you’ve done for them. This placement has places to go, things to do, and people to see. 

You’re going to have to catch them when they have downtime and that’s not because you’re an afterthought or you come second, it’s simply because they want to experience everything. 

This placement is free spirited and adventurous in relationships and they’d appreciate a partner who could contribute to their vision. Power struggles won’t be an issue for the placement because no one will be in charge. 

They aren’t interested in controlling you, and they won’t even give any thought to the possibility of you controlling them. They value freedom in romance above all else and even when they do commit, they’ll still need their space. 

Gifts won’t get you far with this placement unless they’re well thought-out. This placement is sentimental in that department, and would rather have a hand sown blanket you made out of your old clothes over a diamond necklace.

If You Have This Placement

Venus in Sagittarius is all about experiencing love and relationships to the fullest and there’s nothing wrong with that but the more experience you gain, the more exposed you leave yourself. A healthy curiosity will take you to some interesting places in love but try to be careful.

Your fearless optimism in love borders on recklessness. It only takes one bad relationship to change the course of your life. Being aware of the potential for danger and behaving accordingly isn’t fear based behavior, it’s just being smart about how you operate. 

When you have time, try to develop your emotional side. You’re sensitive to your partner but you hide it well. If you learned to communicate that sensitive side, your partner would be more inclined to take your feelings into consideration when making decisions. 

And while you’re developing your emotional side, working on your communication style would help a lot as well. Everyone doesn’t have the ability to pick up on what’s going on. 

Because you’re so head first, optimistic, lucky, and philosophical in love, you should think about journaling your thoughts. You could look back on what you’ve written and capture incredible insights from yourself. 

You aren’t a nagging type of personality and you don’t mind giving your lover space. If you’ve developed strong feelings for the person, try not to give them too much space. If they wonder off and get into something, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be.

 People make mistakes and usually the more room you give them to fall, the further they will.

All things considered, this is a lucky placement for love. You’ll probably learn a few lessons the hard way along your path but you have the resilience to bounce back. Venus in Sagittarius is the exploration of love and relationship placement. 

When you get older and it’s time to settle down, you’ll make an excellent partner because of all of your previous experience. The person you finally decide to settle down with won’t know what hit them.

The interesting thing about your perspective on love and relationships is you’ll be rewarded with exceptional relationship skills because of your endless energy available to explore all things love and relationships. The person you finally commit to with reap the benefits of your exploration. 

Your best Venus matches are: Aries, Libra, Leo and Sagittarius. 

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