Uranus in Capricorn, Midheaven (MC) in Pisces

Uranus in Capricorn ♑︎ in the natal chart

Last Transit: Years 1988-1995

The Uranus in Capricorn in the natal chart generation brings a rebellion to established systems of government and authority. The typically reserved and conservative nature of Capricorn is rattled by Uranus in this placement. The Uranus in Capricorn individuals desire radical changes in power structures. Ironically you may find yourself in positions of authority while wanting to change the worlds’ perception and need for hierarchy. 

You tend to have a very linear mind and are often good at mathematics, computer programming, and physics. Individuals with this placement typically have the gift of foresight and can often sense events or disasters before they happen. This can be a very restless placement for Uranus as Capricorn is generally serious and steady while the planet Uranus is moveable and electric. This can show up in the individual seeming like nervous or fidgety physical behaviors.

This generation has a very inventive mind and enjoys practical applications of their ideas. Seeing  ideas take shape in the physical realm is very satisfying to individuals with this placement. You are often in tune with alchemy, metaphysics, and the occult.

Midheaven in Pisces ♓︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: Individuals with the Midheaven in Pisces in the natal chart often are viewed by the public as being very mysterious and glamorous. The fluid nature of your public persona lends well towards careers in the public but can cause you to have internal struggles about your own identity. At times you may feel others are choosing your fate or identity for you projecting their ideas of who you are onto you. This placement makes you well suited towards careers that require identity shifts and creativity. In addition to creative careers you also would excel in jobs that involve caregiving or taking care of others.

Career Possibilities: Some career possibilities with Pisces as your Midheaven placement include personal caregiving, hospice worker, social worker, spiritual healer, religious leader, artist, actor, actress, photographer, minister, librarian, musician, dancer, poet, lyricist, veterinarian, astrologer, tarot reader, crystal healer, nurse, priestess, counselor, therapist, masseuse, fantasy writer, romance novelist, reality show creator, influencer, fashion designer, model, and metaphysical shop owner/worker.

Ruling Planet: Your Midheaven placement is co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune indicates confusion over developing your career and also adds a sense of glamour to your public persona. Jupiter ruling your Midheaven in Pisces can indicate fame, notoriety, and wealth.