Uranus in Aquarius, Chiron in Libra

Uranus in Aquarius ♒︎ in the natal chart

Last Transit: Years 1995-2003

Uranus in Aquarius in the natal chart is a very strong placement as Uranus is the modern ruling planet of this sign. Uranus represents science, societal advancement, and is sometimes associated with gender expression. The Uranus in Aquarius generation is bringing to society’s awareness the spectrum in which one can choose to express their gender identity.

People with this placement often have an extraterrestrial vibe about them and are seemingly “not of this world.” Uranus in Aquarius individuals are often very intelligent, detached emotionally, and extremely imaginative. You see a world where radical social change can take place and you often find yourself working in humanitarian or other social service agencies to see these ideals come to fruition.

There is something very eccentric about individuals with Uranus in Aquarius. You have a very alluring vibration which attracts others to your inventive and inquisitive mind. Your interests are often varied and offbeat. People with this placement may tend to become astrologers.

Uranus in Aquarius lends to a highly developed mind and you seem to take in information through intuitive means. You may explore telepathy or other means of psychic communication. Uranus in Aquarius is often seen as the rebel likened to the myth of Prometheus the god who stole fire from the Olympian gods and gave it to humanity.

Chiron in Libra ♎︎ in the natal chart

Wound: The wound of an individual with Chiron in Libra in the natal chart is that of creating for oneself mental or emotional prisons. You may have a tendency to allow the outside world to dictate your role, the thoughts you should have, or the person you should be. This leads you to develop “cages” for yourself, placing unnecessary limitations on your dreams and desires. You have endless insight and intelligence that you may choose to keep bottled up for fear of judgement from others. At times you feel the urge to be a disruptor to the status quo but also are apprehensive to upsetting what is expected of you.

Healing Gifts: You have incredible and objective insight. With Chiron in Libra you have the healing gift of counseling others in recognizing and realizing their potential and pitfalls. You have a very gentle approach to helping others get out of their own way. This placement tends to give you the strength to say very honest and truthful things without hurting the persons feelings. Your presence can be healing to others who need to feel hopeful that they have the free will to live the life they want; to be themselves within their relationships, careers, family, or social status.