Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer

Taurus ♉︎ Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: Bull

Element: Earth

Key Phrase: I have

Ruling Planet: Venus

If you were born under the Sun sign of Taurus then you identity is marked by a sensual and slow moving nature. Your symbol is the bull which in mythology was worshiped and venerated for its life giving virility and fertility. As a Taurus you are very in touch with your body and your senses. You experience all aspects of life through the material plane. Even your spiritual experiences will be characterized by your attraction to beautiful ritual objects, the smell of incenses, or the beauty of your mind body connection. 

The keyword with your sign is enjoyment. You want to enjoy life’s moments and the pleasures that are available to you. A hopeless romantic you take your time in love and when building a relationship. There is a desire to succeed in life in a traditional way but on that same note you are deeply in tune with your own values making your pursuit of success authentic to you. 

You zodiac sign is associated with the earth element giving you a deep spiritual connection to the cycles of Earth, growth, and stability. You recognize that life is better enjoyed when you feel secure and stable in your relationships and environment. 

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus coloring everything you do with artistry, sophistication, and love. 

Mercury in Cancer ♋︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Cancer in the natal chart gives the individual an emotional and sensitive way of communicating. You tend towards sentimentalism with deep ties to remnants of the past, your familial history, and nostalgia. This placement tends to give the person a love antiques or be the collector of family heirlooms. People with this placement often have extensive collections of obscure objects. 

You think with emotions processing everything through this mental pathway. Mercury in Cancer individuals are exceedingly gracious and approachable. There is a tendency to worry or perseverate when it comes to social interactions. You appreciate socializing with others and having a good time but require ample amounts of alone time as well to explore your inner imagination. As your mind is often very busy it is important to retreat when needed. 

Mercury in Cancer is poetic and does not mind exploring tragic love stories or listening to sad songs. You enjoy having an outlet for your emotional excess and feel a sense of comrade with the archetype of the starving artist. This placement gives you the ability to communicate with anybody making you adaptable and very likable. Other’s will most likely desire being around you for your kindness and nonjudgemental personality.