Sun in Aries, Mercury in Sagittarius

Aries ♈︎ Sun in the Natal Chart 

Symbol: Ram

Element: Fire

Key Phrase: I am 

Ruling Planet: Mars

If you were born under the Sun sign of Aries then your identity is marked by a passionate and competitive spirit. Your symbol is the ram and you have a tendency to play out the circumstances of your life with endless energy. 

The Sun represents your identity, self expression, and personality. Being an Aries gives you natural leadership qualities and crisis response skills. You pride yourself on your fearless nature. A desire to take risks and flirt with danger keep others interested in what you are up to. 

The keyword with Aries is speed. Everything you do seems quick and at times pressed. You do extremely well under pressure and with meeting deadlines. You magically seem to get everything completed right down to the wire. Living with this level of intensity keeps you interested in the tasks at hand and gives you the excitement you need in life. 

The element associated with your sign is fire providing you with a temper at times and a wild disposition. You often become an authority figure because you struggle to follow other people’s rules. 

The ruling planet of Aries is Mars giving everything you do a spark of drive, free will, and action. 

Mercury in Sagittarius ♐︎ in the Natal Chart

The mind of a person with Mercury in Sagittarius in the natal chart is a free thinker. You are philosophical and tend towards idealism. As Sagittarius is a fire sign there is a tendency for you to think and speak quickly. You easily master complex philosophical and sociological concepts. 

Mercury is Sagittarius individuals are typically very candid with an outspoken way of communicating. You will always speak up if injustice is occurring and people can trust this is coming from a sincere place. 

There will be a tendency to dominate conversations or lead other people through your well developed ideas. Learning languages, perfecting your grammar, or studying linguistics are often great sources of interest for you. With Mercury in Sagittarius you may speak out against authority or demonstrate some form of rebellion in the way you express yourself. 

You appreciate satirical and political humor. This placement desires mind expansion. You will seek out wisdom both religious, spiritual, and philosophical in order to give you a more well rounded view of life. Mercury in Sagittarius will drive you to be more culturally sensitive understanding the diversity and variety that exists in our world. You see time as malleable and therefore may take weeks to return other people’s messages or phone calls.