Sun in Aries, Mars in Aries

Aries ♈︎ Sun in the Natal Chart 

Symbol: Ram

Element: Fire

Key Phrase: I am 

Ruling Planet: Mars

If you were born under the Sun sign of Aries then your identity is marked by a passionate and competitive spirit. Your symbol is the ram and you have a tendency to play out the circumstances of your life with endless energy. 

The Sun represents your identity, self expression, and personality. Being an Aries gives you natural leadership qualities and crisis response skills. You pride yourself on your fearless nature. A desire to take risks and flirt with danger keep others interested in what you are up to. 

The keyword with Aries is speed. Everything you do seems quick and at times pressed. You do extremely well under pressure and with meeting deadlines. You magically seem to get everything completed right down to the wire. Living with this level of intensity keeps you interested in the tasks at hand and gives you the excitement you need in life. 

The element associated with your sign is fire providing you with a temper at times and a wild disposition. You often become an authority figure because you struggle to follow other people’s rules. 

The ruling planet of Aries is Mars giving everything you do a spark of drive, free will, and action. 

Mars in Aries ♈︎ in the Natal Chart

Archetypes:Warrior, Athlete, Pioneer

What Drives You: If you have Mars in the sign of Aries in your natal chart then you express your drives and sexuality with passion. Mars in the natal chart symbolizes how you take action. The zodiac sign of Aries is ruled by Mars making this a very prominent part of your natal chart. 

Mars is representative of the Roman god of war therefore you can look to your Mars sign to see how you handle conflict. You will have a tendency to butt heads with others and may have a somewhat combative approach to your relationships. 

Mars in Aries will aid you in getting your way even if you have to throw a tantrum to get it. You will have a very strong will with this Mars sign. Great effort will be made towards achieving your dreams and desires. You will have a heated energy about you and an underlying sense of urgency in everything that you do. Mars in Aries individuals are excellent at leading a crowd and riling people up. You are the most likely Mars sign to start a riot or a fight. The symbology of the sacred warrior, pioneer, or athlete are some of you archetypes. 

Sexuality: Your Mars energy will give you a freedom and fieriness to your sexuality. At times you may feel restless finding it hard to settle down. This Mars placement typically indicates a high sex drive.