Saturn in Scorpio, Saturn in the 4th House

Saturn in Scorpio ♏︎ in the natal chart

Work Style: Saturn in Scorpio in the natal chart can create a very determined and self reliant person. You tend to take on work with great responsibility and emotional attachment. Saturn in Scorpio individuals like to work in environments that require resourcefulness, alliance building, and secret intelligence. You are very intuitive and can be very successful in business. Your preference at work is to be given autonomy and independence requiring work to be done on your timeframe. 

Life Lesson: Saturn in Scorpio in the natal chart indicates one who has compassion and kindness but often struggles to receive these gifts. You may have periods in life of disillusionment or disappointment in others. Due to your ability to know and understand people’s motivations you may tend towards manipulative behaviors. With Saturn in Scorpio you are learning to let go of control. You are learning to allow people have freedom of choice and to support people in finding their own free will and autonomy. Saturn in Scorpio individuals can have an intensive nature. You are learning what parts of yourself or your resources to share with the people who rely on you. Saturn in Scorpio individuals are accepting not to influence the free will of the people in their life.

4th House

Keywords: Keywords for the 4th house include home, home life, parents, ancestry, relatives, privacy, birth place, nurturing, self-care, self-love, security, and spiritual initiation. 

Angular House Type: An Angular house type means it is ruled by a cardinal sign. In this case Cancer is the cardinal water sign ruling the 4th house. 

The 4th house in astrology is symbolic of our most private self. It is the part that is the hardest to express, representing things we often keep hidden from others. This house can also be representative of one’s parents, typically one or the other. It can represent what the earliest relationships in one’s life were life and home life environment. The 4th house is representative of one’s relationship with authority, thus the association with a parental figure. 

The areas of life the 4th house oversees include the ways in which you create a home for yourself. It looks at how important having a home base is for you. The 4th house is the security blanket of your natal chart. The sign on the 4th house is symbolic of how you take care of your deepest needs, where you need the most nurturing, support, and comfort. If you have an emphasis of planets in the 4th house in your natal chart this may indicate you tend to be shy or keep things to yourself, only revealing your true self to a select few individuals.