Pisces: How to Heal Your Wound

Pisces: How to heal your wound

So, we have all been there, we have all hit hard on the floor with so much pain that we have never
thought we would be able to overcome. This pain can be a result of someone who has deeply betrayed
you, or from a permanent loss of someone who has departed forever, it can be because you’ve worked
so hard for something and that it has been delayed and for many other reasons. We have all had those
moments where we only wanted out, and there was no way in soothing the pain. It is interesting how
we are all different and we all react in different ways. Some people enjoy mourning alone, take time,
and think about certain situations, while others act impulsively and seek revenge. Others escape reality
by writing, reading, performing while others escape reality in unhealthy ways. Some of us are ok with
showing our pain to others and communicating it, while others are extremely embarrassed and
uncomfortable by doing so.
Some tend to think that the problem is in them, while others search to find a reason as to why this
 The bottom line is everyone hurts at some time, for some reason, and you are not alone. We all are
unique in how we suffer and express ourselves. Of course, there is no quick solution to when we are in
pain. Life does not provide you a quick pill that can ease the pain, however, life is not all about pain, it is
about the moments you create and how you choose to view each situation. Everything that happens to
us affects us as a person and our emotions towards others. It is important to accept that each painful
situation is a lesson, although it is better said than done.
In this article, we focus on strategies to ease your pain based on your zodiac sign. Now, of course, this
varies depending on other factors in your natal chart. In this case, we suggest that you consider your
Moon and your Mars, so take a look at those two planets in your natal charts and see what signs those
are in, this will help you get a better understanding, however, if you relate and identify yourself very
much with your solar sign you can consider that as well.
If you are Pisces, you are highly sensitive not only towards your feelings but also to the energies that
surround you. You do not only feel for yourself but also for others. You have compassion and empathy
like no other. This is why most people struggle to understand why it is that you feel offended or sad
You have this compassionate and beautiful heart, and just like your element water, whenever throwing
a rock in water it will affect the whole puddle, the same with you. Whenever you are hurt, this pain will
affect you in so many ways. It will not only affect how you feel about yourself but also how you feel
about yourself affecting you in so many ways. People will notice everywhere you go that you are not
well. You are not the same at work, not the same at home, you don’t have the same humor as usual.
When you’re hurt, Pisces, it is such a struggle because you find it so hard to escape from the internal
battle. You feel the pain in ways, that people surrounding you do not understand. This is also one of the
reasons why you shut off from letting others know what it is that is bothering you at times.
If you are that blessed Pisces who will express and allow others how you feel that is great! However,
Pisces does tend to escape and close itself in a room when extremely hurt, and this is damaging.
Whenever you are hurt, you need to escape reality, you need to find a way to forget it and sometimes
you don’t do this in the healthiest ways, it is important to realize that the pain that you are feeling and
seems to not go away, will eventually smooth with time.

Do not self-damage during this process with escaping from reality in unhealthy ways, instead, use that
beautiful talent of yours to express your emotions on paper or to pain. The best novels are written by
people who feel and experience pain!
Allow yourself to escape and distract from the pain through writing, painting, or even meditating.
Breathe, and focus on your breathing allow those moments to refresh your heart and mind from what is
bothering you. Let this sweet escape feel like heaven for a few moments, this will allow you to gradually
control and live with your pain.
Of course, this will not solve whatever is causing the pain, however, it will contribute to your well being
which is what you need the most during this time Pisces.
We assure you that shutting yourself in a room for the whole time will not do any good, you need to
distract your mind from this situation.  
 Life’s only “pill” to curing a wound is time and it is not just time itself, but it is what you do
with your time that matters. In your case Pisces, you tend to shut yourself from the world
surrounding you in so many ways, and when you are hurt it affects every area of your life, and if
you only focus on the negative side of things, you will only make it worst. Allow yourself to
escape this pain through talent, allowing yourself to feel better. Of course, this isn’t a “quick
fix”, but when it comes to emotions reality is there is no quick fix. Accept that you are worthy of
happiness and that this is only an obstacle that you’ve encountered, accept, and learn from it. Do
not try to escape it in unhealthy ways.