Moon in Sagittarius – Men and Women

Natal Moon in Sagittarius

The last of the fire sign, Sagittarius, is a buoyant, optimistic and fun-loving energy, and can be one of the very best fire placements for the Moon. Like the other fire signs, you’ll be immensely warm, passionate and authentic when expressing yourself emotionally, and you possess a fiercely loving heart. And, like all fire sign signs, you’ll have a propensity towards a bit of a temper, and may at times lash out heatedly at the ones around you. 

Fortunately for you, however, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which means that although you may lash out, you let go quickly. Mutable signs are all about change, and so your feelings can shift from passionate anger, to warm optimism in a few moments. This flexibility can be a great gift in terms of moving quickly through your feelings, yet you’ll have to be mindful of how you affect others around you, particularly more sensitive types. A Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer Moon person may feel deeply hurt by your quick temper, and may struggle to let go of an argument, even if you have moved on long ago! 

Your Sagittarius Moon is also very direct emotionally – you say how you feel, and you don’t bother putting a much of a filter on. This makes you beautifully truthful when it comes to emotional expression, and always lets others know where you stand. However, a filter may sometimes be needed, or you may suffer from “foot in mouth” syndrome at times, and regret the feelings you expressed in a flash of impulsiveness. One of your biggest emotional lessons is to learn to tame that compulsiveness from time to time! 

Your planetary ruler is Jupiter, which is the biggest and best of the planets in the zodiac. Jupiter bestows luck, growth, expansion and fortune, and is a lovely planet to have in charge of your natal moon sign. You’ll find that you often land on your feet in life, no matter how tough things may get – it’s as if you have nine lives! Because of this, your nature is to take a bit of a risk, a bit of a gamble, knowing how lucky you usually come out at the end. What also helps is your always-positive attitude to life – no matter how down and out things may seem, you’ll manage to see the silver living and find the optimism in every situation. 

This positivity can be contagious, and you’ll likely have many warm, close friendships and connections. You need to have fun in life, whether that’s on a dancefloor, or by jumping on a plane to explore, you’ll find a great deal of emotional fulfilment when you’re having a good time. At times, you may be a little hedonistic and may imbibe too much of a good thing – it’s important to learn to tame your excesses, lest you find yourself with big waistlines and a bigger hole in your bank account! One day, you’ll have to realise that responsibility is a good balance to the fun you can have, and that it doesn’t mean prison! Many Sagittarian Moons avoid responsibility wherever they can, or at the very least, hate having to be the one to carry the load. You’ll always look for ways to escape heavy duties, and usually find them – though there can be a price to pay. 

Some may call you fickle, as your feelings shift often – which they do. You may be in love one day and out the other, especially if your partner can’t handle the truth. You don’t like emotional heaviness, which, for some people, can be seen as fickle or uncaring. It is important to try and be more aware of when you are shutting others’ feelings down because you can’t stand anything too serious.

Travelling is a serious need for most Sagittarian Moon people. If you’re not on a plane at least once a year, you may get a little despondent, and you’ll need to find other ways to fulfil this part of yourself. Studying, practicing something like yoga or learning something interesting are all ways to stoke your fire and keep growing in life. Many of you could find that physical activity is a great way to let off steam and keep you feeling as if life is a continual adventure. 

You’ll also need some kind of guiding philosophy in life, preferably of a spiritual nature. It can be as simple as yoga, or as deep as adopting Hinduism. As long as it feeds your sense of right and wrong, and gives you a moral compass to point your life towards, it will feel good for you. You particularly love exploring other beliefs and cultures, it feeds your traveller side, and helps you to develop a wider world philosophy. Many may find you quite deep, once they get past your party side! 

Family and love will be important to you, as long as they don’t hold you back. You need to feel free within any relationship, and must have the opportunity to develop your own interests. Clinginess isn’t welcome, and you’re likely to enjoy a positive connection with you own Mother, though temperamental and volatile at times. Domestically, you may shy away from routine and being too bored, yet you’ll make a fun, easy-going and open-minded parent, once you decide to settle down. 

Your partners need to be a spiritual match, as well as a match for your sense of adventure, and not too sensitive emotionally – they’ll benefit from your sense of optimism and exuberant, bright and vital spirit, and admire how you can bounce back from life challenge’s, ever philosophical and ready to let go and move on. 

Your Sagittarius Moon is a wonderful blessing, and you can have incredible adventures in life, always looking on the bright side and being inspiring and warm to the people around you. You’ll find yourself lucky more than once, always protected and guided by a seemingly mysterious force who is always on the lookout for you – and you know it.