Moon in Libra, Venus in Virgo

Libra ♎︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

The Libra Moon sign in the natal chart is expressed as a subconscious drive to people please. You will often find yourself desiring a partner in everything you do. A Libra Moon sign native will dislike doing anything alone and will often enjoy having a large group of friends around.

Element: Air is the element associated with the Libra Moon. With an air Moon sign you will have a tendency to intellectualize your feelings instead of experiencing them. You want things to be pleasant and may deny yourself having a full range of emotional expression if you think that will disturb the peace.

Mood: You tend to be in a very positive mood all around and when possible are attracted to life events and situations that allow for ease. You avoid crisis or intense situations if possible. You have good instincts regarding social situations with a natural charm and elegance about you.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Libra Moon is nurtured by having conversations with others. You can talk to anyone and will find a common ground for discussion. You enjoy experiencing fine arts, culture, and music scenes to keep your Libra Moon entertained and happy.

Venus in Virgo ♍︎ in the Natal Chart

Colors: Green, Sepia, Plaid

Artistic Skill: Arranging

The Venus in Virgo individual definitely has an eye for aesthetics. This is often channeled into your mannerism, how you present yourself, and your interactions with others. You have a very precise methodology to your movements.

Likes: As a Venus in Virgo individual you will tend to like things that are orderly. You enjoy a space that is uncluttered, clean, and aesthetically pleasing. You have the skill of arranging items; being able to put together photography compositions, moving around furniture, or plating gourmet food. This placement enjoys going out to eat, being catered too, and helping others. Most of all you like things to go your way!

Dislikes: Venus in Virgo individuals tend to shy away from anything disorganized. Discussions and meetings without an end goal can be very bothersome to you as you are results oriented. There is a tendency to dislike crass or crude jokes and behaviors.

Romance: With this placement you are a very attentive lover. Due to your well developed sense of analysis you are able to completely figure out your partner’s needs and wants. Venus in Virgo individuals are very passionate, loyal, and devoted in love. You will do almost anything to keep your relationship running smoothly.