Moon in Libra, Venus in Cancer

Libra ♎︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

The Libra Moon sign in the natal chart is expressed as a subconscious drive to people please. You will often find yourself desiring a partner in everything you do. A Libra Moon sign native will dislike doing anything alone and will often enjoy having a large group of friends around.

Element: Air is the element associated with the Libra Moon. With an air Moon sign you will have a tendency to intellectualize your feelings instead of experiencing them. You want things to be pleasant and may deny yourself having a full range of emotional expression if you think that will disturb the peace.

Mood: You tend to be in a very positive mood all around and when possible are attracted to life events and situations that allow for ease. You avoid crisis or intense situations if possible. You have good instincts regarding social situations with a natural charm and elegance about you.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Libra Moon is nurtured by having conversations with others. You can talk to anyone and will find a common ground for discussion. You enjoy experiencing fine arts, culture, and music scenes to keep your Libra Moon entertained and happy.

Venus in Cancer ♋︎ in the Natal Chart

Colors: Pastels, Lavender, Light Grey

Artistic Skill: Writing Poetry & Prose

The Venus in Cancer individuals will have a soft and mellow energy about them. You will desire amiable interactions with others and in general attract nice people into your life.

Likes: Venus in Cancer is very nurturing and loving. You really like to demonstrate your affection for others. This placement indicates a very sensitive soul with artistic abilities. You will be attracted to flowers, poetry, romance, and sweet things. Venus in Cancer people typically have a strong sweet tooth.

Dislikes: Exposure to violence can be very upsetting to a Venus in Cancer person. You will often choose to not subject yourself to gory or horrific movies. Arguing with the people in your life can be very hard on you and in general you prefer to get along with everyone. You also tend to shy away from intense confrontation or competition.

Romance: This placement is highly romantic. You fall in love easily and give yourself to your lover completely. There is a desire to get wholly absorbed in the relationship you are in to the point of obsession. You enjoy when your partner is a little jealous of you and will sometimes find yourself playing around with lovers a bit.