Moon in Capricorn – Men and Women

Natal Moon in Capricorn

The Moon naturally rules the water sign of Cancer, and hence having your natal Moon in the opposite sign – Capricorn – may feel somewhat uncomfortable, especially early in life. On an emotional level, there may be a difficulty expressing yourself fully, and though you may not always be aware of it, you could repress your feelings in order to “get on with business”. Unlike a Moon in Cancer, there is no “easy flow” of emotion, which may make you appear to be a little cold to some, though you are extremely tender inside. 

Life will teach you how to learn to open up and share your deepest vulnerabilities with others, though it won’t always be easy! As a child, you tend to take on most of the responsibility in the family and may grow up rather fast. Your relationship with your Mother – the archetype symbolised by the Moon – may be at times difficult, as you potentially feel controlled or hampered by her needs. This can mature later in life to a strong, faithful bond, although you’ll have to do some work around learning to detach from wanting to take all the responsibility! 

Being an earth sign Moon, your gift is groundedness and practicality when you deal with emotions. Not one for over-reacting, you navigate your emotional world with a sense of pragmatism and good sense.  When things become challenging in life, you tend to throw your energy into something tangible and solid, something that will make you feel secure. This talent may become a need to control or structure too much in life, and you may need to try and release to just go with the flow at times – this will help you deal with many anxieties that you have about the future a little better. 

This self-same talent will also lead to great career success for you – Capricorn Moon people are highly ambitious and very accomplished indeed. Having your own business or being the top of a company comes naturally and easy to you. This, once again, is an indicator of you throwing your energy into work when you feel too many emotions rise up – you find a lot of peace and stability in your work. You’ll have to watch for your career becoming overly important at the expense or your relationships, as you could spend one too many hours at the office, neglecting those nearest and dearest to you. 

As a Capricorn Moon, structure and rules will take great importance in your life, and you’ll need to have certain guidelines to make you feel safe and secure, nourished and nurtured. For example, having a home and money in the bank as well as investments, insurance and plans will all go a long way to help you to relax. You may need to, at times, find ways to also indulge your spiritual and emotional side, such as getting into nature frequently, and connecting with the earth around you. This can feel grounding and extremely nourishing to your soul, and gently help to soften your sometimes-rigid boundaries. 

When you relax these boundaries, you’ll find the people around you stepping in to hold space for your vulnerability, and that there was nothing to ever be afraid of! This may feel like a relief, as you tend to carry a great deal of responsibility for everyone and everything, and though you enjoy it, it can put a lot of strain on you. some Capricorn Moon people may suffer from low moods at times, and so this learning to let others take control at times is an essential component of your overall emotional health. It will also be very important for you to practice gratitude, as your realistic attitude can at times becomes a little pessimistic and you could take yourself so seriously that life becomes a touch dreary. Although false positivity is not your thing, you could certainly do with some play and fun at times! 

A great source of play and fun may be your children, as they teach you the value of being less serious – they can bring out your dry humour, and help you to connect with your own inner child, which could be rather neglected. Once you allow yourself that moment of fun, you could find yourself letting go and stepping into a lighter version of yourself! You’ll be a wonderfully responsible parent in time, and will always go above and beyond the call of duty for your little ones. 

Even if you don’t have children, you’ll do the same for your partner and family, and whilst others may see these things as a duty or a burden, you are the type that naturally assumes the authoritative role, mimicking your power in the workplace. Whether male or female, you like to be in a position where you can provide and take care of others in a practical, real way! 

Your natural authority gets you far in life, and you will always be the type who assumes a leadership role – you prefer to be the person who is the initiator, and you don’t do too well under authority. Hence, having your own business, or at least being in charge of your own department is crucial for you to feel fulfilled. Your partner may have to adjust to your tendency to be in this role, and at times, you’ll need to try and not control too much, to give them the opportunity to flourish and bloom, too. 

It’s not always easy being a Capricorn Moon, but it can be very rewarding when you learn to lean on others just a little, and to trust and open up to your innermost feelings. Life will be full of achievement for you, professional and personal, and you’ll be the rock that others turn to in times of trouble. Responsibility is your crowning quality, and groundedness your strength, and though you have your challenges, you will always manage to overcome them and come out on top. You’ll just have to trust the process, and when you’re struggling up a steep slope, make sure to keep your eyes on the prize and your goals as a compass to your eventual success! 

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