Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Gemini

Mercury in Scorpio ♏︎ in the Natal Chart 

Mercury in Scorpio in the natal chart individuals have a penetrating and deeply perceptive way of communicating. You go into everything with eyes wide open and are rarely ever caught off guard. This Mercury placement can lead to intense conversations between you and others. At times you may say things that cut deeply as you are keenly tuned into what makes people tick. 

Mercury in Scorpio individual’s can often shock people with their words or mesmerize them into coming around to their point of view. They are not faint hearted and their opinions are well developed. You desire to be mentally strong feeling mental toughness is one of the most valuable traits a person can possess. 

Often you will have an interest in the occult or sacred mysteries not necessarily a spiritual or religious approach but more an investigative. You are interested in knowing how the laws of the universe connect. There is a desire with Mercury in Scorpio to find an outlet for your mental power in your search for ultimate truth. At times you can tend towards skepticism. 

Your communications are intense and deep as you choose to only share your mental fortitude with a select few people throughout your life.

Venus in Gemini ♊︎ in the Natal Chart

Best Colors: Light Blue, Yellow, Grey

Artistic Skill: Sketching

Venus in Gemini in the natal chart has a bright and curious energy. You will be attracted to data, facts, and information. Enjoying life is of the utmost importance to you. There is a flavor of unpredictability to this Venus placement. 

Likes: The Venus in Gemini individual will love having interesting and varied conversations with people. You will quickly leave a conversation that does not immediately grab your attention. You often enjoy word puzzles, keeping busy, and having fun. You will have a natural ability to tune into people’s body language, facial expressions, and words; often knowing when people are lying to you and picking up on the hidden meaning behind what someone is saying. 

Dislikes: As a Venus in Gemini you absolutely dislike boredom. You ensure your environment and the people around you are keeping you mentally stimulated. There is also tendency to take a light hearted approach with this planetary placement therefore too much seriousness can be upsetting to you. 

Romance: Venus in Gemini people in love need to have their freedom. You do not want to be possessed by your lover and generally like to keep your romantic bonds casual. There may be a tendency to move fast in love so you do not get bored too quickly!