Mercury in Capricorn, Midheaven (MC) in Sagittarius

Mercury in Capricorn ♑︎ in the Natal Chart

Mercury in Capricorn in your natal chart provides you with a very pragmatic and realistic approach to communication. This placement implies one who is good at writing, has a dry sense of humor, and can be surprisingly funny. 

Your thought process is thorough and you tend to think things through for days, weeks, and even years before coming to a solid conclusion. You have great problem solving skills as your mental pathways search for the most efficient outcomes.

There is a somewhat detached nature about the Mercury in Capricorn individual as you do not tend towards warm or nurturing types of conversation and relationship building. You have a blunt honesty about the way you present information which can be appreciated or not by those around you. Mercury in Capricorn people will continue to be themselves regardless of the present company. This placement would imply someone who makes for a great manager as you do not shy away from difficult conversations. 

Mercury in Capricorn can bring out a childlike nature, playful at times to cut the seriousness with which you normally operate. You enjoy surprising people with your humor when you get the chance! There is often a very creative element hiding beneath your surface.

Midheaven in Sagittarius ♐︎ in the natal chart

Public Life: If your midheaven falls in the sign of Sagittarius in the natal chart then you are often destined for a life of prominence. Other people see you as very academic, intellectual, and honest. You are not a very private person, typically not minding if other’s know your personal business. Having a Sagittarius Midheaven indicates you are very open and magnanimous. There is a boisterousness to your overall public persona. 

Career Possibilities: Some possible career paths for the individual with the Midheaven in Sagittarius include publisher, astronomer, anthropologist, archeologist, museum management, writer, philosopher, travel writer, food critic, bookshop owner, physician, academic professor, researcher, traveler, digital nomad, activist, political scientist, photo journalist, reporter, linguist, language teacher, minister, priestess, full time traveler, professional athlete, comedian, or any position that requires interaction with the public. 

Ruling Planet: The ruling planet of the Sagittarius Midheaven is Jupiter. This indicates having  a very pronounced public persona. You are most likely seen as a pillar in your community of wisdom, knowledge, and leadership. Your career focus may be financially driven in some cases although you desire the work you pursue to have an impact on the world at large.