Mars in Aquarius, Chiron in Leo

Mars in Aquarius ♒︎ in the Natal Chart

Archetypes: Anarchist, Visionary, Rebel

What Drives You: Mars in Aquarius in the natal chart will influence the native to have a flair of rebellion. It is not so much that you want to go against the grain but you have an innate drive towards doing so. You have a sense that this is destiny and you are the ambassador of the people. As a Mars in Aquarius individual you serve a valuable role to society by bringing awareness to social issues that need fixing.

You do not shy away from conflict with this placement but rather embrace the raw passion of fighting for the underdog. Nothing motivates you more than creating social change or having a run in with authority. There is an anarchist nature about you that is driving everything you do. You choose not to live by other people’s rules but instead your own convictions. As a Mars in Aquarius individual you have made your peace with the idea that you will not fit in. You were not made to follow the crowd. You are a visionary.

Sexuality: Your sexuality is typically expressed through a desire for friendship. You are turned on by experimentation connecting to sex in a somewhat intellectual manner. Throughout life you may find your sexual preferences shift dramatically.

Chiron in Leo ♌︎ in the natal chart

Wound: If you have Chiron in the sign of Leo in your natal chart then you are working with a wounding of the solar principle. The solar principle is associated with active, outgoing, and confident forms of creativity. This means there is a shadow cast over your ability to express yourself. You may have trouble showing off or accepting praise for a job well done. Chiron in Leo individuals are often excessively humble to the point of putting a damper on their own creativity. You have a deep longing to be known for something you make, conceive, or initiate.

Healing Gifts: A healing gift you possess with Chiron in Leo is bringing out decisiveness and creativity in others. You seem to spark in others a desire to construct the most brilliant, alluring, and glorious expressions of society. People often see you as a catalyst for opening up the creative aspect within themselves or their latent that was waiting to be awakened. You are excellent at giving people positive feedback and encouragement for their talents. As a person with this placement other people are really intrigued by your opinion. You have great potential to influence bring healing energy to other people in order for them to feel confident, special, and unique.