What Kind of Man am I Attracted to Based on my Jupiter Sign?

What kind of man am I attracted to based on my Jupiter?

Now, most of you are wondering what about Jupiter? Isn’t that the planet of luck? What does
that have to do with my taste in men?
You’re partially right, Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is the planet of luck. It is the planet
of higher learning, it rules long-distance travels, as well as, religions and philosophy; however,
wherever your Jupiter is placed in your natal chart, it is also a a great indicator of what kind of
man you are attracted to.
So let’s give it a try, search what is your Natal Jupiter is, what sign it is and if you can relate to
what we describe below.
Jupiter in Aries
You love that masculine man, who loves to take control and wear the pants. He is that kind of
man who is very competitive and will not allow anyone around you that seems like a threat to
him. He is that man who loves to lead the crowd as well, he can be a bit selfish at times and is
easily triggered.
Jupiter in Taurus
Oh, you love that man who loves to take you out to dinner, cuddle with you and watch Netflix.
Isn’t that right? That man who is very financially stable and very creative. This is the man who
might even sing to you and has a great voice as well. A man who is very loyal and patient.
Jupiter in Gemini
If your Jupiter is in Gemini, you are attracted to the man with the brains and great
communication skills. That man who looks even more handsome as he ages, and matter of fact,
never really ages. He is the same man you have met years ago with a great sense of humor
and very sexual. This is a man of many tastes, and who has a hard time focusing on just one at
a time, and also very ambitious.
Jupiter in Leo
You want a man who is already very well known in your community or someone who is popular.
Someone that everyone will look at when you enter the room, you admire his talents, as well as
his loyalty. A man who is very charismatic and with a beauty that glows wherever he goes. A
man who loves adventure and despite loving to be a bit in control, at the end of the day he
needs your affection and attention.
Jupiter in Virgo
You are attracted to that man who likes everything nice and neat, and who is extremely careful
with his items. Praises what is practical and simple. He tends to constructively criticize you,
although it does not seem like it at times. This is not a man who will give you much affection, or
that will show you how much he loves that meal that you have just cooked him. It is hard to
please him, but at the end of the day, he really needs your acceptance.  
Jupiter in Libra

Now, this is the man who is very calm and a great listener. He enjoys communicating and
evaluating things putting them on a scale and pointing out what is fair or not. This man might be
very indecisive however very diplomatic. He is very romantic and cannot live without affection.
He is not a fan of negative energy and will do everything to keep everyone at peace.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Oh, you love that man with that sex appeal, very secretive does not show much of his skin
however that little bit that he does, attracts you intensely. You enjoy that mystery behind his
look, he has experienced a lack of mother or father’s touch in life and you do not mind that. That
“bad boy” look to him is what makes you so drawn to him like no other. It’s that kind of man that
despite everything that he’s gone through in life, he will help anyone that is in need; however, be
careful because once he feels that he has been betrayed there is no way back to being back to
Jupiter in Sagittarius
This is a man who adores adventure and is very lucky as well, someone who has strong beliefs
and loves to teach. This is the kind of man who enjoys traveling and learn about different
cultures and religions while doing so. This is not the kind of man who will travel just to lay on the
beach, he will go to museums or walk all-around places to learn about people’s lifestyle and
culture. This is also a man with a great sense of humor and awesome positive energy!
Jupiter in Capricorn
You are attracted to that man who works, works, and works. A man with traditional values and
great discipline, someone who sticks to the rules even if that means having to hurt someone in
the process. This is a man who values the effort of gaining money and will not spend it easily. A
man who values the mother’s or father’s opinion, and who has a hard time expressing feelings.
Jupiter in Aquarius
You are attracted to that man with a different style, very eccentric and who stands up for what
most are afraid to stand up for. This is a man who is highly innovative and creative. I picture this
man two ways:  a very artistic man, with a different style perhaps similar to a hippie style
protecting human rights and defending animal rights as well; or a man who is very technological,
innovative always looking for what is new and gadgets with new features, who loves to social
network as well. Either way, If your Natal Jupiter is in Aquarius, this means that you are
attracted to a man with a different style, very hyper, who really doesn’t go by the book of rules
and who is a master of ghosting people.
Jupiter in Pisces
If your Natal Jupiter is in Pisces, then this means that you love a man who is very romantic and
imaginative. A man who will write your poems just about you and thinking of you, someone who
is very friendly and empathic, and highly spiritual and intuitive; however you also might like a
man that escapes from reality in unhealthy ways too, which is common with Pisces. If Pisces
does not escape reality through healthy ways such as art, writing, poetry, and others he might
do it in unhealthy ways. This is a man, who has a great sense of humor, and who will help you
whenever you most need his help.

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