What Venus Sign is Attracted You to Most?


What is he is really attracted to in a Woman?
Did you know, that Venus is a great indicator of what he is really attracted to? Finding where his Venus
is in his natal chart, will help you understand what kind of woman he is drawn to.
As we know, Venus is the planet of love, beauty as well as money. This planet rules the signs of Libra and
So what is so special about Venus? When looking at a natal chart, Venus is a great indicator of money
(depending on where it is, of course), and it also lets us know how the person gives love and affection;
however, what most haven’t tried yet is associating this planet to what woman a person is attracted to.
NOTE: This does not mean that the person is attracted to the solar sign; this just means that this is the
kind of energy that he or she is attracted to.
As an example: His Venus is in Taurus, and my sign is not a Taurus; however, if I  like similar things such
as eating and being in my comfort zone, very patient just like a Taurus it’s obvious that he will be
attracted to me. It’s the kind of energy that he is drawn to.
Venus in Aries
If you’re Venus is in Aries, you’re attracted to athletic figures, as well as, competitive personalities. The
kind of woman desired is the one who loves to take the lead, but also lets herself be a bit controlled as
well since people with Venus in Aries as very overprotective. If you’re Venus is in Aries, you are attracted
to woman with bold features and thick eyebrows, who are usually a bit arrogant initially, but are very
fun to be around.
Venus in Taurus
 A woman who loves to gather to eat, and by the end of the day will love to lay on the couch cuddling
while watching Netflix. If you’re Venus is in Taurus, you love a woman who glows with Venus beauty,
something about her that’s completely different from the others. A woman who enjoys healing others
through the peaceful vibe she transmits.
Venus in Gemini
Attracted to the brains! Yes, that’s right, a Venus in Gemini is attracted to someone who knows very well
how to communicate, as well as, who enjoys being intellectually stimulated. So if you’re Venus is in
Gemini, and if you’re still with that same woman that you’ve met a long time ago, that’s because that
woman has everything to keep you feeling attracted to her. She has long conversations with you and is
constantly learning. She also has a very young look to her, as well as, a great sense of humor!
Venus in Cancer
If your Venus is in Cancer, you seek someone who is also interested in creating a family, It might sound
weird, but a person with Venus in Cancer, when in love, always thinks about family first. This is the kind
of person who sees love as it was a princess fairy tale. The goal is to meet someone, get married have
children, and live happily ever after! So, with that said, Venus in Cancer is attracted to someone who
praises family very much, or to someone who had the lack of family affection while growing up, and who
now needs your nurturing energy. Someone who might be a bit moody, but that is also very intuitive
and protective.

Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo is attracted to the kind of lady that is part of “royalty”, well not literally, but I guess we can
say that, if you’re Venus is in Leo, you can relate to what I mean when I say that you see your woman as
royalty and that everyone else in the room should see her the same way, isn’t that right?  If you’re
Venus is in Leo, you are attracted to the kind of lady that everyone looks at when she enters the room.
Someone who enjoys being in the spotlight, and who is talented. You might be attracted to a woman
with very strong and curly hair as well. When in love, you are very romantic and affectionate, you have
no problem showing the world that beautiful woman that is beside you in the world and shouting out
how you feel about her.
Venus in Virgo
Now, this is what I call a picky person when it comes to falling in love. Venus in Virgo seeks for
perfection in a person (which doesn’t exist) If you’re Venus is in Virgo you can relate to me when I say
that he is the same reason why you sometimes find yourself in and out of love several times; however,
you are attracted to people who are focused on self-improvement and very hard workers, who seek or
give well advice and that enjoy routine.
Venus in Libra
If you’re Venus is in Libra, you love that romantic woman who everyone in the room enjoys speaking to
and who has the gift of pleasing everyone with her reasonable ways. Someone very social, and neutral
as well. When in love, you are very romantic, affectionate, and passionate.
Venus in Scorpio
If you’re Venus is in Scorpio, I must say, that you’re attracted to what I call trouble (I don’t mean this in a
bad way) you love that mysterious and bad girl look. Someone who is very secretive, but at the same
time has that sex appeal. You love that kind of woman who is very possessive and protective, you also
might attract a woman with mom or dad issues as well. When you’re in love, it’s all about intimacy,
there’s no love without intimacy.
Venus in Sagittarius
If you’re Venus is in Sagittarius, you love that loud woman in the room who is teaching or who’s
probably making everyone laugh. Someone who does not enjoy being domesticated and who loves
adventure! When you’re in love, you manifest your love by embarking on several journeys together.
Venus in Capricorn
If you’re Venus is in Capricorn, you are attracted to that hard-working and money-making woman, isn’t
that right? That woman who looks for financial stability and praises her financial independence. It’s that
woman who will do everything to stay out of the spotlight, but who will enjoy being complimented by
her flawless work! You manifest your love mostly through practical ways such as helping your significant
other and creating a stable financial life, you aren’t too good with affection sometimes.
Venus in  Aquarius
If you’re Venus is in Aquarius, you are attracted to that woman standing out in the crowd for being
different than the others. What I mean by different, is someone who rejects accepting society’s idea of
fashion and perfection. Someone who is a fan of fighting for others, even if that means breaking the
rules. You’re also attracted to that woman who LOVES to social networking and who can be very
emotionally detached at times, just like you.
Venus in Pisces

If you’re Venus is in Pisces, you’re attracted to that woman who has a fertile imagination and who needs
to escape reality. It’s that woman with compassion for others and very sensitive to others’ needs. When
in love, you are very romantic, you love to do everything to can to please the person you love even if
that means writing long beautiful, romantic poems or buying a bouquet.
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