What is Your Superpower Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Each zodiac sign is unique, some might have similarities especially if they are part of the same element;
however, there is always that trait that differentiates you from all the rest. That special gift that you
have is what I call your superpower. Some of us might not relate to our solar sign but have a strong
presence of another sign in our natal chart which is what we mostly identify ourselves with.
Once you have discovered your superpower, feel free to let us know who you are and what is your
superpower. Let us have fun!

Aries – The Leader

If you are an Aries or have a strong presence of Aries in your Natal Chart, your superpower is
You are the leader of the crowd, even if no one gave you that role you will make sure that you own it,
isn’t that right Aries? You are great at leading, and figuring out the best strategies, and you will not allow
anyone to step on you in the process.

Taurus – The Healer

If you are a Taurus than your superpower is healing, you have the gorgeous gift of healing others
through your steady and calm energy. Allowing others to feel relaxed and not so overwhelmed. Some of
you even have the gift of healing with your hands (e.g. Reiki) because you have such beautiful and
filtered, pure energy.
Gemini – The Disguise
You were granted the superpower of disguise, leading you to not be led by your emotions or to show
others how you feel. Some consider this to be shady, others consider this to be a blessing. This
superpower allows you to protect yourself from others with bad intentions.

Cancer – The Protection

If you are a Cancer than your superpower is Protection, you can protect the ones you connect with
through intuition. If you are feeling that something just isn’t right, you are capable of going until the end
of the world to make sure that no one is harming the ones you love. Like Taurus, you are concerned
about those who need emotional healing, but above all protecting them.

Leo – The Loyal one

Leo is granted with the superpower of Loyalty; Leo is loyal to its words as well as it is to others. You can
always count on Leo to put a smile on your face when you need it the most and to give you that hug and
comfort when a villain has put you into trouble.

Virgo – The Database

Virgo is granted with the awesome gift of keeping a mental hard drive archiving all the data you need to
save the world! That is right Virgo, you are so smart and have all the information anyone needs to be
organized and accessible.

Libra – The Justice

Libra is granted with the superpower of Justice, being as neutral as Libra was many calls upon you to
make the right decision based on what is fair, leaving all other factors that might influence a person’s
decision aside.

Scorpio – The Psychiatrist

This superpower might sound strange to you, but it is a unique gift! You are that person that is capable
of understanding others on a different level. People feel comfortable to speak to you just about
anything because to you, it is normal, nothing is taboo. You are also one of the best at keeping in all to
yourself, meaning that there are secrets that you will take with you to your coffin. Some might not like
you because you are not shady, and you know when something is not right.

Sagittarius – The Luck

Sagittarius it is no surprise that your gift is luck! You are the master of the Law of Attraction because you
understand how short life is and do not spend one bit worried about materialistic things. So if this
means that you have to spend all of your money on that adventure tomorrow, you will, and somehow
you know that it will end up in your bank account again.

Capricorn – The Discipline

Capricorn you were granted with discipline, out of all Zodiac signs you are the greatest at managing
money and following strictly the rules even if that means that you are going to hurt someone’s feelings.
You would probably be the CEO of the whole gang!

Aquarius – The Creative

Aquarius, on the contrary of most, would think  (the rebel, the humanitarian and the innovative) would
probably be the superpower that they’d associate to you; however, I’d like to assure you that above all
you are the creative one. You are that superwoman or superman with all the technology, allowing you
to stand up for humanitarian rights and being as creative as possible, even if that means having to break
the rules.

Pisces – The Accepting

Pisces you were granted with the divine superpower of accepting others no matter who they are. You
have the gift of understanding others and feeling how it is to be in their shoes, while others do not. You
are very receptive to other people’s energy, and above all, you are a master in turning your emotions
into art and imagination that others enjoy and can relate to. You are a trust inspiration!
We hope that you enjoyed this article and now it’s time to have fun. What are your superpowers?
Let us know in the comments!
I am a Virgo with the superpower of keeping a mental hard drive; however, I have a strong presence of
justice as well.