What is Virgo Rising? (Ascendant)

Virgo Rising
Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to some of you
this might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was happening
in the solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only familiar with their zodiac
sign (the solar sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify much with
their solar sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and placements are important
as well, they become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to Virgo, or
you’re not as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs and planets
then just the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal chart, which is what I like
to describe as a print screen of the sky that was taken at the exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the horizon (where
the sun rises) at the exact moment, you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s how you
are seen in the world.
Virgo Rising, you are known as a very smart and intellectual person. Some people might find
you to be a bit serious but once they get to know you, you’re very funny and caring. You are
very self-critical, especially with your body, which is why you are usually surrounded by people
that help you boost your self-esteem and help you think more positively.
You are known for focusing on what is practical, and for your great desire for wanting to help
others. You disguise very well your feelings and you hate being underestimated. It is easy to spot
you in a room because you have a very organized, clean and proportionate look to you.
2nd House
With Libra in this house, when it comes to money, you are great at balancing and receiving your
income through other people. You have a hard time trying to balance and keep harmony in other
aspects of your life.
3rd House
Since Scorpio is in this house, depending on where Mars is placed. You can share a deep
emotional bond with your siblings, or you can absolutely hate your siblings and be consistently
at war with them. You might have a hard time expressing your feelings through speech;
however, you are great at expressing them in words. So, you can easily find yourself arguing
through text messages or social media.

4th House
With Sagittarius in this house, the mother or father figure is very ambitious and religious, besides
that he or she was very optimistic people but could have a bad temper easily. He or she would be
the teacher, who would provide you with the right lessons that you still treasure up until today.  
5th House
Capricorn in the 5th house, you have a hard time being creative since you consistently fear that
you will fail. You also might have a hard time having children and raising them as well;
however, when you do have children you are great at discipline and routine.
6 th House
Aquarius in the 6 th house, in your work environment, you are known for social networking and
you are also great at communicating; however, you enjoy working on several tasks on your own.
You might experience health issues regarding the circulatory system and ankles.
7 th House
With Pisces in the 7 th house, your spouse is very intelligent as well, however, he or she can be
very moody and sensitive at times. He or she might find escape in unhealthy ways or ways that
many people might not relate to. In love, you are also a very possessive person and you feel
easily betrayed.
8 th House
With Aries in this house, you have a hard time understanding people’s interests and beliefs
regarding these topics. You have a hard time being in tune with the occult because you only
believe in what you can control. You have this major desire of being in control of yourself and
you are very suspicious of others.
9 th House
With Taurus in the 9 th house, you have a hard time accepting change in your life, and you stick to
what you believe in, even if it is not healthy. You don’t feel the desire to travel the world to open
your horizons, however when you do, most of the time the goal is to visit the ones you love or to
enjoy time with family.
10 th House
With Gemini in the house of career, usually, you share a very good relationship with your mother
and are open on certain topics that most won’t feel comfortable about talking too with their
mothers. In your career, you are the “communicator” as well. Most people with this placement
enjoy teaching and showing how things are done. Whatever you do, it involves being
communicative and analytical.
11 th House
With Cancer in the 11 th house, you share a very close bond with your friends, you are known to
be the “mother” of the group as well as the most sensitive one. So, you might find your friend
being very cautious around you. You are also very protective of your group of friends, meaning
that you won’t let just anyone in your social circle.

12 th House
With Leo in the 12 th house, you crave this feeling of being in touch with your spiritual side,
however, your ego might get in the way of accepting certain things and advice. You find yourself
in a constant battle between the real world and the spiritual world. You also fear to be the center
of attention, you do your best when you are on your own due to your anxiety.