What is Sagittarius Rising? (Ascendant)

Sagittarius Rising

You have a very ambitious view of life. Every obstacle is seen as a lesson and you have such an optimistic
view of everything that surrounds you.
You are known for being fun, silly and people love to be around you because of that great, positive
energy; however, some people don’t admire your brutal honesty but those that do are worth keeping
near you.
You are always looking for the next fun thing to do, you hate being bored and don’t enjoy being indoors.
You adore what is different and you are very curious.
Physically you are known for having long legs and fingers. Women with Sag Rising usually have the
hourglass figure. You usually have bright eyes, even if they’re brown, they have this unique spark to
2 nd  House – Capricorn  
You are very cautious with money, and value the worth and effort of gaining money. You have no issues
in purchasing what you think is useful and innovative; however, when you do, you are super careful with
the items you purchase.  Throughout your life, your family instilled disciplined you very well with your
money. A financial plan, invest, building wealth, keep climbing up
3 rd  House – Aquarius
You are only willing to communicate to learn, during communicating with someone you can often get
bored when the topic does not interest you. If you have siblings, the same applies. Communication and
learning will be the keywords for you to get along with them.  
4 th  House – Pisces
Your father figure was a very curious person, he also valued very much money and saved as much as he
could to invest. Your home environment was a very philosophical and religious home environment
attached to tradition when having your own home, you might find yourself being the same. You view
your house as a temple where you manifest your spirituality.
5 th  House – Aries
You find yourself to be most creative when you work on your own, or when you find yourself competing
with someone. When having children, you are very active and determined when providing them
education. You are also very active and enjoy doing sports with them.
6 th  House – Taurus
With Taurus in this house, you usually don’t have major issues in your work environment; however,
many are jealous of how smart you are and might want to argue with you at times. Your ability to move
on easily and ignore won’t allow them to get much feedback from you. You always end up winning more
through your enemies.

7 th  House – Gemini
Your spouse is very communicative and enjoys learning as well. You enjoy and feel attracted to his or
her energy. In a marriage you don’t seek material wealth, you seek someone who you can communicate
your thoughts and can receive beautiful emotions.
8 th  House – Cancer
With Cancer in the house of transformation, you can have sudden changes; however, since you are very
intuitive and with your optimistic energy you overcome obstacles very easily.
9 th  House – Leo
You have major respect for your authority figures such as your father, your boss and your teachers. You
believe that you can learn something with them and that there is always a higher power.
10 th  House – Virgo
Your mother figure was a very analytic and organized, she might also be known for loving and caring for
animals. For this same reason, you are very analytic as well, and intellectual; you see every detail, very
perfectionist and discipline. In your career, you seek tasks that apply these features such as accountants,
anything related to fixing broken things, lawyers, judging and teachers.
11 th  House – Libra
You are very genuine, and your friends enjoy being with you. You are the loudest within your group of
friends and the funniest too. Your friends love you because you are always willing to go on to an
adventure with them, they also always seek you for advice since you try to be as neutral as possible
when doing so.
12 th  House – Scorpio
You fear being betrayed, and this can sometimes become an obsession for you. With Scorpio in this
house, you are highly secretive as well.