What is Libra Rising? (Ascendant)

Libra Rising

Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to some of you this
might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was happening in the
solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only familiar with their zodiac sign (the solar
sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify much with their solar
sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and placements are important as well, they
become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to Virgo, or you’re not
as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs and planets than just
the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal chart, which is what I like to describe as a
print screen of the sky that was taken at the exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the horizon (where the
sun rises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s how you are seen in
the world.
Libra Rising, you are such a charming person. Something about you that everyone loves and people trust
you very easily.
You have the gift of understanding people and each point of view, which others don’t.
Your face is very symmetrical, and you have very nice eyebrows, usually a thin nose, great cheekbones,
and a nice neckline.
2 nd  House – Scorpio
With this house in Scorpio, this can roll out 2 ways. Since Scorpio is an extreme sign you can be very
cautious with your money, or you spend it very easily. With Scorpio in this house, you can gain easily;
however, you might have something extra to pay which you weren’t counting on.  This house also
represents your voice, everyone enjoys listening to your voice even if you can’t sing you have a very
sensual tone to your voice.
3 rd  House – Sagittarius
With Sagittarius in this house, you learn and treasure lessons with your siblings. There is a very close and
philosophical bond with your siblings. Especially if you have an older sibling you view them as a teacher
who will look over you and teach what is wrong and what is right.
4 th  House – Capricorn
With Capricorn in this house, growing up, you had a mother or father figure that wasn’t so affectionate.
He or She was very strict and controlling. Many Libra risings have a hard time because Capricorn is in this

house. Due to this placement, they feel a gap and distance, especially with the father figure. In your
home, money was also brought up as a topic and everyone was very cautious with it.
5 th  House – Aquarius
In whatever you do, you try to be as innovative and original as possible. You can be very creative and
artistic. The only problem is that you can easily get bored. If you ever have children, your first has a high
probability of being a girl since Aquarius is in this house, and it is a feminine sign. After having children,
you become very disciplined and children become a responsibility to you. You have a hard time
dedicating time for yourself or having fun after having children because Saturn is in this placement
forcing you to be disciplined.
6 th  House – Pisces
Pisces in the 6 th  House, you are highly sensitive in your work environment. You love to serve and help
others; however, many can mistake your kindness for weakness. In general, for you to feel well and
healthy it is important that you feel useful if not, this will lead you into having health issues.
7 th  House – Aries
With the competitive sign of Aries in your 7 th  house, your Spouse is someone that likes to wear the pants
at home, which is exactly what you seek in a person. Someone who is independent and known for
wanting to lead and who is determined; however, you usually find yourselves fighting a lot
because of the aggressive energy of Aries.
8 th  House – Taurus
With Taurus in the 8 th  House, you might experience loss of close people to you early in life. Inheritance is
also gained early with Taurus in this placement.  With the protective energy of Taurus in this house,
many people confide in you with their deepest darkest secrets. You might also be seen as a healer for
this same reason.
9 th  House – Gemini
With Gemini in this placement, you enjoy traveling a lot and usually travel through education. You also
love to learn; however, you can become bored very easily. Depending on where your Jupiter and Mars is
placed, you might be the kind of person that will want to do things before learning, it isn’t that you don’t
enjoy learning, you actually do; however, you want to do it yourself first. You also might find it hard to
focus on one thing at a time with Gemini in this house because you are so curious about many other
topics as well.
10 th  House – Cancer
With this house in Cancer, you enjoy serving others and protecting others from harm. People with this
placement usually work in the medical field or in a career that involves somehow nurturing and
protecting others. Your mother figure was a very sensitive person and was very protective of you.
11 th  House – Leo

You love being the center of attention in your group of friends. Your friends see you as a very loyal
person which they can always count on. With Leo in this house, you also enjoy showing your talent and
you need all the attention you can get from friends. As a Libra Rising, you learn through several
friendships and relationships which is the reason why people come and go in your life.
12 th  House – Virgo
Virgo in the 12 th  House, you fear being judged and failing, which is why you have a hard time making
decisions, following your dreams, and showing or even discovering your talent.