What is Leo Rising? (Ascendant)

Leo Rising

Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to
some of you this might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was
happening in the solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only
familiar with their zodiac sign (the solar sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than
just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify
much with their solar sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and
placements are important as well, they become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to
Virgo, or you’re not as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs
and planets than just the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal
chart, which is what I like to describe as a print screen of the sky that was taken at the
exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the
horizon (where the sun rises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s
how you are seen in the world.
You are very beautiful, and you have this special glow to you. As soon as you enter a
room all eyes are on you. You love the attention even if you’re a quiet person you’ll
find some way on how to capture everyone’s attention. Leo Rising, you usually have
very frizzy hair and an oval-shaped face.
You are very kind and friendly and everyone love’s to be around you.
The 2n d House – Financial Security
When it comes to money, you are very careful. You analyze everything before you
spend. I always like to associate the envelope technique. So, it’s like you separate
everything in envelopes to know where your money is going. That’s just an example.
You also are a very hard worker.
The 3rd House – Social Media and Relationship with Siblings

You have great communication skills, it’s very easy for you to make friends and many
admire you. You have a great connection with your siblings and you’re the
“peacemaker”. You know exactly what the strong and weakest points of everyone and
you respect that.   
The 4th House – Home and Father Figure
Mother or Father figure might’ve been very protective of the home. The mother did
everything to maintain the family together even if things weren’t so great. Everyone in
the family is very connected thanks to the mother figure; however, you have certain
deep emotions regarding family that seek forgiveness and affect you in the future.
The 5th House – Creativity, How you show your love, Your Children
You love learning and you’re very good at is as well. You are also very creative. You
have a philosophical perspective in whatever you do, and you like to manifest that
through whatever you are creative at. When you have children, you are very
protective of them and even though you might not show how things should be done,
you teach them through words and lessons what’s the right thing to do.
The 6th House – What you Do, How you do it, and Your Health
Since everyone admires you, you can make certain team members in your work
environment very competitive. You are not a fan of this, and you don’t mean to harm
anyone; however since others are envious of your great energy and success that leads
them to feel insecure about themselves.
The 7th House – Spouse and Business Relationships
On the contrary to you, your spouse is very emotionally detached. You are attracted to
a person who you need, and they need you as well. Both carry emotional issues that
aren’t transparent to the world.
The 8th House – Unexpected events, Sexual Desires, and Death
You are very intuitive, and you respect topics such as death and the occult. Some of
you might be into tarot card reading and are very connected to energy healing as well.

The 9th House – Traveling

You fight for whatever you believe in and will not let anything, nor anyone change
that. Some people can find you being a bit over obsessed over certain things that you

believe in, but that is just your form of expressing and living byword in exactly what
you believe in.

The 10th House – Your Teachers and How You Are Successful

The Mother figure had a Taurus energy to her, usually very calm and perhaps very
stubborn. As the house of career, I picture you healing with your hands or using your
voice and especially social media. You love to be recognized through social media. I
usually see Leo rising people connected to design or using their hands very often.
You’re great at marketing yourself and your work.

The 11th House – Social Life
You have a great group of friends and you achieve a lot with the help of your friends
and communication.

The 12th House -Subconscious
You enjoy helping and serving others, however, you fear being taken advantage of.