What is Gemini Rising? (Ascendant)

Gemini Rising
Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to some of you this
might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was happening in the
solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only familiar with their zodiac sign (the solar
sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify much with their solar
sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and placements are important as well, they
become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to Virgo, or you’re not
as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs and planets than just
the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal chart, which is what I like to describe as a
print screen of the sky that was taken at the exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the horizon (where the
sunrises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s how you are seen in
the world.
If you’re a Gemini Rising, you may relate to the following description:
Gemini you are mostly known for being great at communication, you communicate a lot with your
hands, and you use them mostly to write and express your emotions. You have a very youthful look to
you no matter what age you are.
The 2n d House – Financial Security
When it comes to financial stability, you are a very hard worker and you protect your income very well.
You are luckily wealthy, and not everyone knows about it. You are also willing to help others with what
you’ve gained, however, never forgetting that you and your family are in the first place.
The 3rd House -Social Media and Relationship with siblings
At home, and out of all your siblings, you are the most talented one. You were treated like royalty as a
kid. Most of you are very well known through social media and are great influencers since you love to be
the center of attention. You’re also not a fan of having someone give you advice or assistance.
The 4th House -Home
Growing up, your home was very organized, and you escaped yourself in reading books and learning.
The father figure is known for being a hard worker and very talented. You might have struggled with
moving to a new house early in your life. That was your parent’s way of finding the perfect place to raise
the family. At the end of the day, you enjoy your own private space and you are very responsible and
great at sticking to your plans.

The 5th House – Creativity
Your creativity and taste for art are inspired by others, you need searching this in other people and
places. If you have or decide to have children, they will be very friendly and diplomatic.
The 6th House – What and How you enjoy doing things, and your Health
You usually are the person responsible for digging into what others most fear. That can be an
investigator, a surgeon, psychiatric, or even a sexual healer, etc. To you, there are no limits and you
crave a mystery. You’re intrigued with dangerous things. You are also very known for being a hard
worker. Some of you might struggle to maintain a job due to Scorpio’s energy in this house; however,
with time it will get better. Regarding your health, you might find yourself having some issues with your
reproductive system or sexual organs.
The 7th House – Spouse and Business Relationships
Marriage life and business relationships. When it comes to marriage, you can consider yourself to be
lucky. You’re not the kind that will want to jump into marriage due to your need to feel free, however,
when you do, your spouse will bring positive energy into the relationship, as well as, great opportunities
for you. You’re also considered to be blessed in business relationships and even that creates some
tensions between you and your team members. You can be impulsive when signing a contract and not
investigate details but with Jupiter energy on your side in this house, nothing can go wrong.
The 8th House – Unexpected events, Sexual Desires, and Death
You are very cautious when expressing yourself or even opening to someone you love. You fear death
and going through what you went through as you were growing up.  You have a lack of self-confidence,
you may not show it, you can even be the type of person who will socialize easily; however deep down
you are very insecure.
The 9th House – Traveling
You enjoy traveling and trying new things. You love learning but you have a hard time focusing on one
thing at a time you’re always curious about listening to the next topic.
The 10th House – Your Teachers and How You Are Successful
You’re very indecisive towards your career, however, in whatever you do, you like to help others, and
you’re very artistic. You turn towards your career when you want to escape your personal life. You need
to be in something proactive and different. You are very intuitive and some envy that. Your mother
figure might have a Pisces or water energy. She might be a bit emotionally unstable and very sensitive,
very curious as well as protective of you.
The 11th House – Social Life
In your social circle, many see you as a competitive person and you love to brag. Growing up, you might
have been that friend that everyone would text whenever they needed support. You love to be
recognized as a leader in your group.
The 12th House -Subconscious
 What you fear the most is lacking financial security and losing your luxurious materials. So even if you
do have financial stability, you feel as if you don’t. Growing up you probably pretended to be someone
that you weren’t due to the fear of feeling inferior for not being as rich as you’d like to be.

Overall, Gemini Rising people you’re great