What is Cancer Rising? (Ascendant)

Cancer Rising

Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to
some of you this might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was
happening in the solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only
familiar with their zodiac sign (the solar sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than
just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify
much with their solar sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and
placements are important as well, they become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to
Virgo, or you’re not as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs
and planets than just the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal
chart, which is what I like to describe as a print screen of the sky that was taken at the
exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the
horizon (where the sun rises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s
how you are seen in the world.
A Cancer rising is very easy to detect, they usually have a round-shaped face
reminding us of the moon. You are usually very enthusiastic and very caring people.
You are also known for being very protective.
You are very sensitive and emotional, you’re that kind of friend who’ll feel for others.
Your intuition is the number one step into knowing how you guide yourself. As a
Cancer Rising, you need to feel safe and you reject feeling pressured. You are very
accepting of your feelings and you hate it when someone gets in the way of trying to
avoid whatever is it that you’re feeling.
The 2n d House – Financial Security
You don’t mind spending money on yourself and with your family. You find your
security in family and treasure their values. Especially if your solar sun is in Leo, you

treasure closely your father. Your wealth is usually inherited from generations. You
have the beautiful gift of having all eyes on you when you speak. You take pride in
what you have and where you come from.
The 3rd House – Social Media and Relationship with Siblings
You’re good at capturing people’s attention through your communication.  You have a
curious nature and you praise your relationship with your siblings. You’re not the kind
of person to share your personal life on social media, however, you are known for
very funny memes and funny posts.
The 4th House – Home and Father Figure
At home, you were the “peacemaker” or the harmonious one. You felt as if you were
in the middle of everything that happened behind your doors. Your parents held very
high expectations for you. Many times, you felt as if your feelings were not taken into
consideration. Your father figure might been a very social person, which privileged
you in several ways; however, it may affect you in the future in ways that you will
find it difficult to do it on your own.
The 5th House – Creativity, How you show your love, Your Children
Cancer Rising, you usually have children later in life. You enjoy having fun and
feeling free. You love taking risks and you are known for exposing and teaching
information that most people don’t. For you to fall in love romantically with someone
you need to be intimate first if not, you will lose interest easily.
The 6th House – What you Do, How you do it, and Your Health
In your work environment, you are the lucky one. Most seek you for advice and
you’re great at coming up with solutions, even if it’s something last minute. You seek
tasks that are different because you can be easily bored. You are usually into sports or
tasks that require physical activity, preaching or promoting. Since Jupiter is in this
house, you might struggle with overweight, liver, hips or thigh issues.
The 7th House – Spouse and Business Relationships
Your spouse is usually older than you, and very successful. Known for being a
business-oriented person financially stable providing you that secure feeling you seek.
Your spouse has this Capricorn energy of being a bit overprotective and very careful
with spending money as well. In business partnerships, you usually take lead and
achieve most of your goals.

The 8th House – Unexpected events, Sexual Desires, and Death
You’re not a fan of introducing your friends to others. You are intrigued by the
secrecy of several topics such as death, the occult, mystery, etc. for that same reason,
you establish friendships with people that are very secretive as well and interested in
these same topics.
The 9th House – Traveling
Being a Cancer rising, you are very intuitive; however, with Pisces in the 9th House
people look to you as a healer. You have this “superpower” of being connected with
higher frequencies that others don’t have and may not believe that you do. This can be
manifested through many ways some people with this placement are psychics or
mediums, or it can be something as simple as just having dreams and callings
informing you. With Pisces in the 9th house, you have a heart filled with faith and
treasure your beliefs and religion. When it comes to traveling, you have the desire to
wandering and traveling the world, but that might not be easy for you; however,
whenever you do have the opportunity of traveling you might find it curiously find
yourself destinations connected to water.
The 10th House – Your Teachers and How You Are Successful
Later in life, you find that you have the purpose of being your leader and as the
opposite of what you’ve thought this whole life, you don’t need anyone to succeed or
gain status. Your 10th house also represents your mother figure, with that said, your
mother might had some Aries energy to her. Your mother figure had this “fire” energy
to her, perhaps a very competitive and athletic person. Your mother was also the
person who would mostly decide and take the lead at home.
The 11th House – Social Life
In your social circle, you are the healer as well. Everyone loves to be around you and
you must hear “It feels like we’ve known each other our whole life” very often. You
don’t let everyone in, but you are very receptive and understand people’s point of
view. You are very easy to get along with; however, you select very well your
friendships and you’re very protective of yourself as well.

The 12th House -Subconscious
With Gemini in this house, you have a special gift when it comes to words and
learning several languages, however, it might not be easy for you since you fear that
people will not accept your feelings and how you communicate.

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