What is Aries Rising? (Ascendant)

Aries Rising
Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to some of you this
might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was happening in
the solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only familiar with their zodiac sign (the
solar sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify much with their solar
sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and placements are important as well, they
become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to Virgo, or you’re not
as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs and planets than just
the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal chart, which is what I like to describe as a
print screen of the sky that was taken at the exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the horizon (where the
sun rises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s how you are seen in
the world.
If you’re an Aries Rising you may relate to the following description:
Note- this is just a general description, of course, this will vary according to what signs are in your
houses and the degrees they are as well.  
Aries Ascendant
Aries, people usually see you as arrogant and with an aggressive look to you. Some of you have
masculine facial features and thick eyebrows. You usually have an athletic body and are very energetic.
The 2n d House – Financial Security
When it comes to money, you are usually very lucky, Taurus in the second house provides you with great
incomes and you tend to spend it on luxurious items; however, you can hold on very tight to money as
well as to objects that bring you very good memories. Let’s face the truth, you have a hard time putting
anything in the trash, isn’t that right?
The 3 rd  House – Social Media and Relationship with Siblings
If you do have siblings, your relationship with them can be very communicative and you enjoyed playing
with them as kids, however, they couldn’t keep a secret. You enjoy communicating mostly through
writing than verbally. You’re usually the kind of person that will write big posts or articles on social

The 4 th  House – Home and Father Figure
Growing up, you had a very protective family and a nourishing mother or father figure. They’d make
sure that food was on the table, beds were made and that nothing would hurt you. Mostly sensitive at
times but very intuitive. They would know right off the bat if you were lying to them.
The 5 th  House – Creativity, How you show your love, Your Children
You have a very creative side to you; you are very talented and mostly known for creating art with your
own hands. That can be painting, drawing, sewing, designing, etc. When manifesting-love, you’re very
artistic and romantic, you do everything with such great passion. You crave the need to be
acknowledged through your work and talent.
The 6 th  House – What you Do, How you do it, and Your Health
In whatever you do you are very meticulous and very detail-oriented. You like to make sure that what
you do is flawless, and you notice the minor flaws that many don’t. Some might find you to be a bit picky
or sometimes acting as if you “know it all”, but that’s not the case. It’s your need to do everything is a
slow past and to notice what’s wrong before finishing the task. You can be very anxious and nervous at
times and that leads you to have stomach or intestine issues.
The 7 th  House – Spouse and Business Relationships
When it comes to marriage and business relationships, we can consider those relationships to be very
harmonious, as well, as very social. Your spouse might be the kind of person that will evaluate things in a
very neutral matter and will be your rock. Your spouse will keep the balance in your life and relationship.
The 8 th  House – Unexpected events, Sexual Desires, and Death
Topics such as the occult, sex, death and mystery intrigue you. You are very curious and sometimes
obsess over these topics. In life, you may experience losses very early and may develop anxiety, jealousy
over it. You have a hard time trusting people, and you aren’t the kind of person to open about your life
or sex life to anyone. Whatever happens in your life, you need to feel like you’re in control.
The 9 th  House – Traveling
You aren’t a fan of change and life will force you to travel many times to expand your higher mind.
The 10 th  House – Your Teachers and How You Are Successful
Growing up you had very disciplined and authority teachers and your mother or father figure were very
punctual and responsible. Routine would be the keyword at home, and he or she wouldn’t let you out
with friends easily. On the contrary to people that surround you, you might find yourself having to work
harder to get success.
The 11 th  House – Social Life
In your circle of friends, you are known for being very creative, you have a special taste for social
networking. Your friends find you to be a bit weird since you’re not an easy one to open up about your
personal life, but you are someone they go to when they’re not well since you can analyze things in a
very rational matter.

The 12th House -Subconscious
Some of you have an unhealthy way of escaping from the past. Some of you might find yourselves
neglecting your past or the way you feel about certain things.