What is Aquarius Rising? (Ascendant)

Aquarius Rising

Some of you might be already aware of what an ascendant is on your natal chart, to some of you this
might be new.
So, let me explain this in a very brief way. When you were born, everything that was happening in the
solar system influences you as a person. Most people are only familiar with their zodiac sign (the solar
sign) but aren’t aware that there’s more than just that.
That’s why some people lose their belief in Astrology because they don’t identify much with their solar
sign, and since they aren’t aware that the other planets and placements are important as well, they
become a skeptic.
So, for example, you might be a Virgo but emotionally you don’t identify yourself to Virgo, or you’re not
as organized as a Virgo.
This is just an example. That’s because when you were born there were more signs and planets than just
the solar sign and it’s possible to know all through your natal chart, which is what I like to describe as a
print screen of the sky that was taken at the exact moment you were born.
We call the Rising sign or the ascendant – the sign that was transiting through the horizon (where the
sun rises) at the exact moment you were born.
This is the sign that will be your first “mask” it will represent your physical body. It’s how you are seen in
the world.
Aquarius Rising
You have this special gift of being unique and that might seem weird to many people, but you manifest
your way of not following society nor what is “fashion”.
You are not easily influenced; you follow what you believe in and you are unique because you do
everything that is in your will to fight what you think is right.
You are known for being very innovative and artistic, you don’t fear to be alone; however, you do have
the gift of adapting very well in any kind of environment up until the point where you get bored (which
you easily are).
You’re intrigued by the science and technology behind several things and you are very analytical. You
won’t use anything without understanding how it works and its mechanism.
2 nd  House  – Pisces
When it comes to money, you aren’t attached to it as many other signs are. You can sometimes find
yourself imagining and arranging schemes on how to receive it; however, when you want something you
will add up and save the money to purchase exactly what you want.
3 rd  House – Aries
With Mars in this house, there was always a competitive nature between you and your siblings. Other
aspects of the natal chart can determine whether this competitive nature was used healthily. You might
have gotten along by doing sports and playing games together; however, you might’ve also felt as if your
siblings betrayed you and that you were consistently at war with them.
4 th  House – Taurus

With Taurus in the placement of the moon, you might have felt that you weren’t as valued as others
within your household, leading you to feel as if no matter what you did, you were never enough.
5 th  House – Gemini
You are very creative and artistic, and your children inherit the same from you. When having children,
you will find that they are very communicative and fast thinkers.
6 th  House – Cancer
You may find yourself in dispute in your work environment. Not everyone can understand your point of
view and that can lead you into some issues. You also have a hard time working in a team, since you
want to be different and don’t agree with what is “normal”.
7 th  House – Leo
Your spouse is someone with a great political or financial status, and that is known for his or her artistic
talents. You are attracted to someone that can contribute to you and gives you the confidence you
need. After marriage, you make sure that the home is a stable environment and you dedicate a lot to
making your house beautiful through decoration or luxurious items.
8 th  House – Virgo
You can be very judgmental of others, however, with Virgo in this house, you are great investors and
very analytical. You invest very secretively as well.  
9 th  House – Libra
With Libra in this house, you balance very well your religious views and beliefs. You enjoy very much
learning and adapt very well in any kind of environment or culture. You respect other beliefs, however,
you are not easily influenced or fully dedicated to believing in these matters.
10 th  House – Scorpio
Mother figure might have been overprotective and very jealous, leading you to feel a lack of self-esteem
in your career; however, with your communicative skills you are an expert in persuading people and you
will do whatever you can to get where you want.
11 th  House – Sagittarius
You surround yourself with friends that have a similar view as you, who are fun and can understand your
different points of view. Usually, your friends are a group of people who are the best at what they do.

12 th  House – Capricorn
You fear being far away from home, getting out of your comfort zone makes you feel exhausted. So, you
will find yourself having to be far from home several times against your will.