Taurus Under Stress: Dark side of Taurus

Taurus Under Stress: Dark side of Taurus

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus the sign ruled by the goddess of beauty, love, and material finances – Venus. Taurus is
known for its strong personality and for being one of the most patient signs of the zodiac.
Taurus, you’re the kind of sign that loved to cuddle, you love caring for others and just like any
other earth sign you love to feel useful. You are very loyal to the ones you care about and
overall you are a very stable sign.

Just like any other sign, Taurus has its dark side. It isn’t too easy for a Taurus to show it, but
when it does it’s not good.

When a Taurus is under stress:

Number #1: No, this is mine!

Taurus you are a very tolerable sign, and many admire you for that; however, we must confess
that when you’re mostly under stress you don’t like to share anything that’s yours. It’s times like
these, that you mostly show your fear and you hoard all you have. When Taurus is hurt, Taurus
will gather every bit of material that will keep it from feeling anxiety.

Number #2: Stubborn

Taurus you can be very stubborn at times, perhaps the most stubborn sign of the zodiac. You
have the special power of viewing things in a very realistic way and fighting for what you think is
right, but you need to sometimes listen. There’s no use in having a dialogue with someone who
won’t even hear what the other has to say. When your mind is made up you can drive people

Number #3: Not Healthy? Who cares…?

Taurus you love your comfort, an ideal day for you is to cuddle in bed or on your sofa watching
what you most like or perhaps even playing video games. That’s your way of getting away from
the world; however, especially when your emotionally not well, you’ll grab two boxes of
chocolate, soda and potato chips on your way to the sofa. You enjoy eating when you are happy,
but you’ll also fill in the void with a lot of unhealthy food, especially when you’re not on a happy

Number #4: WARNING I’m furious! Do not come near me.

Taurus it isn’t an easy task getting you mad. You’re usually very kind and gentile and would
rather stay quiet when something bothers you, but when you do get mad, that’s because
someone crossed their boundaries and you’ve had enough. Just like a Taurus in an arena, when
Taurus is angry, there’s no stopping it anytime soon! Taurus will go against you in every way it
can, not in a physical way, but Taurus will let you know. Taurus will ignore you in a group, go
against your ideas, and snap at you. There’s no use in rushing a Taurus to forgive someone,
Taurus needs time since it expects others to be as loyal to him as it is to others.

Number #5: The hunt for Material Pleasure

Taurus, you’re a great sign when it comes to finances. You are a hard worker and you won’t pile
up your bills to pay. You will pay them immediately and make sure that you have a good savings
bank account; however, when you’re not well, you also have a tendency to grab on to material
pleasures. You’ll probably find a Taurus going shopping more often these days because those
simple pieces that you just brought make you feel emotionally better.

Number #6: You feel lonely and you have a hard way in letting someone know

Taurus you are very independent and don’t need others to achieve your goals; however, you can
sometimes feel lonely and not let anyone know. You will be a bit moody and strange with
people, but it’s all because you are a bit thirsty for love and attention. You need and deserve to
feel nourished and cared about.

Number #7: Jealousy and Possessiveness

Taurus you are a very patient and calm sign yet when it comes to the ones you love; you are
very jealous and possessive leading you to be a bit more controlling. You’ll easily find yourself
budding into someone’s business just to make sure that he or she isn’t doing anything wrong, or
even making sure that your partner isn’t wearing something sassier, in order to make sure that
other’s don’t look at what’s yours in the first place. It’s your lack of self-esteem and internal
security that can sometimes lead you into taking being a bit immature in your relationships.

Number #8: Don’t show up without calling them first.

Taurus loves its privacy, Taurus loves to be at home in its own comfort and also loves to have
people over; however, I highly recommend you not showing up at a Taurus’s house when
they’re not in the mood especially without calling them first or without an invite.

Number #9: You hate change!

Due to your stabile nature, you don’t welcome change into your life. You value your ways, your
moral thoughts, and your routine. Even if it needs to change, you won’t accept that very well. It
is a challenge to change your ways the same way as it is to change your mind.

Number #10: Laziness

Let’s be honest here Taurus, you’re are not a very stressed out kind of person. So, when things
need to be done immediately that won’t make you nervous. You’ll start off your day by making
coffee, relaxing just for five more minutes until the end of the day. You can quickly find yourself
procrastinating several tasks that should be done.
Overall, it isn’t as simple to get a Taurus stressed out. Taurus, you are super chill. No wonder
why people love being around you. You have the special ability to transmit very good energy to
people, and you have the special touch of knowing how to calm people down since you are very
calm yourself. Taurus dark side can be an ugly place, but one that it doesn’t visit often.