Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra

Virgo  Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: The Virgin

Element: Earth

Key Phrase: I analyze

Ruling Planet: Mercury

If you were born when the Sun was in the sign of Virgo then you will express your identity through skill and devotion. You are symbolized by the Virgin. If you go back far into the myth this star sign is associated with the harvest and fertility. As a Virgo you are able to apply yourself to any situation knowing exactly what is needed to help others find success.

You have the unique gifts of noticing the details and being able to make connections between different systems. This approach to life helps you see the bigger picture if you avoid being hyper focused on the minutia. As a Virgo you are naturally skilled at making and arranging things. You are the most likely sign to be found making artisan or craft items.

Your sign is associated with the earth element making you naturally attuned to health and wellness. Your routines, diet, and medical needs can be a focus for you as being an earth sign makes you more connected to your physical body. You are also highly perceptive.

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury representative of the archetype of the alchemist. This gives you a natural ability in health and medicine.

Libra ♎︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

The Libra Moon sign in the natal chart is expressed as a subconscious drive to people please. You will often find yourself desiring a partner in everything you do. A Libra Moon sign native will dislike doing anything alone and will often enjoy having a large group of friends around.

Element: Air is the element associated with the Libra Moon. With an air Moon sign you will have a tendency to intellectualize your feelings instead of experiencing them. You want things to be pleasant and may deny yourself having a full range of emotional expression if you think that will disturb the peace.

Mood: You tend to be in a very positive mood all around and when possible are attracted to life events and situations that allow for ease. You avoid crisis or intense situations if possible. You have good instincts regarding social situations with a natural charm and elegance about you.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Libra Moon is nurtured by having conversations with others. You can talk to anyone and will find a common ground for discussion. You enjoy experiencing fine arts, culture, and music scenes to keep your Libra Moon entertained and happy.