Sun in Sagittarius, Sun in the 2nd House

Sagittarius ♐︎ Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: Archer

Element: Fire

Key Phrase: I Perceive 

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

If you were born when the Sun was in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius then this is your natal Sun sign. The Sun represents your identity, personality, and soul essence. Having a Sun sign of Sagittarius blesses you with a spirit of adventure and openness. Your zodiac sign desires freedom and liberation. You want to express your identity without inhibition. Your symbol is the archer riding on a horse speaking to your penchant for wild exploits. 

Your zodiac sign is associated with the fire element. As a fire sign you express yourself easily and with passion. Sagittarius is associated with philosophy, higher learning, travel, and spirituality. You are on a quest for truth and naturally ask broad questions about life. Sagittarius is frequently a social activist and easily perceives what it is society needs in order to be more authentic. 

The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter which symbolizes expanded awareness. This planetary element allows you to see the bigger picture and society as a whole. You are attracted to movements with meaning whether that be in politics, education, or spirituality. There is a longing to see the world beyond your immediate environment and this is central to your core identity.

2nd House: 

Keywords: The keywords associated with the 2nd house are values, self-worth, resources, finances, material possessions, sensuality, physical body, belongings, beliefs, and ownership. 

Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Taurus is the fixed earth sign ruling the 2nd house. 

The 2nd house in astrology is the area of life where we develop a relationship with our resources and belongings. In this area of the chart you are called to evaluate your attachments to the material world. In addition, the 2nd house is the place where you learn the value of self-worth, pleasure, satisfaction, and delight. Planets placed in this part of the chart will partially represent your capacity to generate wealth, resources, and income. Planets here need to experience life “hands on.” 

The 2nd house symbolizes your relationship with possessions and values. This can relate on a spiritual, physical, or emotional level. How you define yourself based on what your belongings are, your beliefs, the money you have, the relationships you are in, or anything else you can use as a physical definer of who you are can be experienced through the 2nd house. Deciding what you own or if your possessions “own” you is a core lesson of this area of the astrological chart.