Sun in Pisces, Moon in Aquarius

Pisces  Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: Fish

Element: Water

Key Phrase: I believe

Ruling Planet: Jupiter & Neptune

If you were born while the Sun was in the sign of Pisces then this is your natal Sun sign. Your identity will be characterized by the Pisces themes of belonging, glamour, and spirituality. As one of the most naturally spiritual signs in the zodiac you give yourself a lot of room to experience life from this broad perspective. You are sensitive, artistic, and compassionate. As a Pisces Sun there is a tendency for you to get into the helping professions such as mental health, end of life care, or energy healing.

Your symbol is two fish tied together symbolizing the fluidity of your identity. Typically someone born under this Sun sign is deeply sensitive and naturally psychic as they are tuned into the unseen dimensions.

Pisces is associated with the water element giving your personality an otherworldliness quality. Pisces is often overwhelmed by emotions and searches for a way out through creative means such as poetry, substance use, metaphysics, or dance.

Pisces is co-ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter represents Pisces’ need for mind expansion and spiritual seeking. Neptune represents dreams. Having a Pisces natal Sun sign will indicate a core part of your identity is tied up in the fantasy world.

Aquarius ♒︎ Moon in the Natal Chart 

If you have an Aquarius Moon sign in your natal chart you express yourself and your instincts through a cool sense of detachment. You have an attraction to all things weird and value a wide range of human expression. With an Aquarius Moon you are often on the cutting edge of society ready to bring in the new age.

Element: Your Aquarius Moon sign element is air. This means your first instinct is to think things through. As you operate through your mental pathways you have a keen sense of analysis and understanding regarding each situation. An air Moon sign gives you a highly developed sense of perception while also allowing you to weigh your options carefully. You have the mind of an inventor and the soul of a maverick.

Mood: You do not tend to moodiness or overt displays of emotion with an Aquarius natal Moon. Rarely upset you take all situations in stride honoring your sense of awareness and neutrality above all else.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Aquarius Moon is nurtured by doing things in your own way. When you have independence and freedom to express yourself you find your inventiveness can shine through. Surrounding yourself with new age technology can be very fulfilling for you.