Sun in Leo, Moon in Pisces

Leo  Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: Lion

Element: Fire

Key Phrase: I will

Ruling Planet: the Sun

If you have a Leo Sun sign in your natal chart then there is a definite solar quality to your being. Your symbol is the lion and you demonstrate this through your charismatic and amorous personality. A Leo’s energy tends to be irresistible to others if not somewhat overpowering.

You have natural leadership qualities and enjoy filling the roles in life you need to play. There is a feeling that you are acting out the circumstances of your life in a never ending drama of creativity and spontaneity. There is a courageous confidence about your personality. Other’s will fall loyal to your causes and you find you can be quite influential.

The element associated with Leo is fire giving you a leg up in sports or competitions. There is passion behind everything you do and sense of gallantry in life’s pursuits. You are naturally likable and that can get you far in life. With many friends and an active social life you feel you are playing out your identity just as you should be.

The ruling planet of Leo is the Sun. This luminary speaks to your attraction to enlightenment movements. The Sun symbolizes insight into consciousness giving you added layers of wisdom.

Pisces ♓︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

Having a Pisces Moon sign in your natal chart gives you a very sensitive nature with a very intuitive and artistic approach to all aspects of life. You will be drawn to making deep emotional connections and be able to give out validating relationship advice to others.

Element: You have a water Moon sign which means you operate through feelings and emotions. A Pisces Moon is extremely romantic and loving. You value creativity and spiritual expression. You may be psychic.

Mood: You have a tendency towards moodiness as your sensitivity is so heightened. You tend to take on the emotions of the people and places around you. At times you may find it a challenge to differentiate between your emotions and someone else’s.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Pisces Moon sign is typically extra sensitive to food, medicines, and the environment. Nurture your Moon sign by taking good care of yourself and the spaces you live in. Having animals around is an excellent way to nurture your Moon sign. Pay special close attention to the lighting you are surrounded by, the room temperature, artwork, and even music that is playing which can all have an effect on the Pisces Moon sign’s psyche.