Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Gemini

Capricorn  Sun in the Natal Chart 

Symbol: Sea goat

Element: Earth

Key Phrase: I use

Ruling Planet: Saturn

If you were born while the Sun was in the zodiac sign of Capricorn then this is your natal Sun sign. The Capricorn themes of determination, achievement, and responsibility are central to your identity. You put extreme dedication and hard work behind everything you undertake. You relentlessly push yourself and your boundaries in order to achieve the success you desire.

Your symbol is the sea goat which is a mythological creature representing both land and sea. This speaks to your desire for the utility of your personality. You want everything you do to be of use not just to yourself but to society as a whole.

The element associated with Capricorn is earth giving your sign a dry sense of humor and pragmatic approach to life. You see things in practical terms but also understand that playfulness and whimsy are necessary to take the edge off.

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn representing responsibility and life’s road blocks. Capricorn can often be a misunderstood sign as there is a tendency towards introversion due to the halting nature of Saturn. Capricorn is very accepting of others as your sign has a deep wisdom about human struggle and empathy for those who are experiencing life’s ups and downs.

Gemini ♊︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

The Gemini Moon sign in the natal chart is imaginative and creative. Having a Gemini Moon influences you to be drawn to symbol systems, occult knowledge, and information. You love to talk and can seemingly gab with friends and family for hours! You instinctually respond to situations with humor, sarcasm, and wit.

Element: Air is the element associated with your Moon sign. This causes you to operate through your mental pathways before your emotional ones. You have a desire to understand and think creatively. You love to bounce your ideas off of others. Conversations that energetically move from topic to topic are your favorite.

Mood: As a Gemini Moon you tend to be very positive and cheery overall. There is a playfulness about your mood that makes others feel uplifted when in your presence. You tend to see the bright side or at least the humorous side in any situation.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: Your Moon sign is nurtured by engaging in mental stimulation. This can range from watching epic movies, listening to music, creating artwork, or playing word games. You love to understand systems therefore your Gemini Moon energy is very attracted to the visual and symbolic meaning of the tarot, astrology, and magic.