Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo

Cancer  Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbols: Crab

Element: Water

Key Phrase: I feel

Ruling Planet: The Moon

If you were born under the Sun sign of Cancer then you will most likely have a sensitive nature hidden behind a seemingly tough exterior. Cancer is symbolized by the crab a skittish creature with a soft inside but a tough outer shell. As one of the most vulnerable signs in the zodiac your identity is marked by a power play between your emotions. You constantly grapple with yourself over whether you should let your emotions be free or if you should keep them bottled inside. Your superpower is empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel what other people are feeling and support them through difficult emotions. Once you embrace your identity as an empath you are better able to accept your own authentic emotions and feelings.

The element associated with Cancer is water. The water element represents intuitive and psychic gifts, bodies of water, romantic connections, and sensitivity. You are definitely tuned into these aspects of life finding these themes dominate your life circumstances.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon representative of your desire to take care of others. There is an acute awareness of the subconscious influences that are happening in the world around you. Your identity is marked by a natural intuitive ability.

Leo ♌︎ Moon in the Natal Chart

In the natal chart the Leo Moon is expressive, charismatic, and courageous. The playful nature of this Moon sign shines through as you enjoy the confidence the Leo Moon awards you. You have many fans and love receiving attention for your accomplishments or even the occasional scandal!

Element: The Leo Moon is associated with the fire element making you hot headed and somewhat reckless at times. Leo Moon individuals see the world through their point of view and it is hard to talk them out of something once they have made up their minds. There is a stubborn quality to this Moon sign.

Mood: This sign tends to use humor in the face of adversity. They can laugh at themselves and are quite hysterical at times. Leo Moons do not tend to let a bad mood get them down. They shake it off and keep going.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: The Leo Moon native should nurture their Moon sign by doing something spontaneous and creative. They love to travel, eat, party, and have an all around good time. Spending quality time with friends and family is one of the best way to honor your spirited lunar energy.