Sun in Cancer, Chiron in Capricorn

Cancer ♋︎ Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbols: Crab

Element: Water

Key Phrase: I feel 

Ruling Planet: The Moon

If you were born under the Sun sign of Cancer then you will most likely have a sensitive nature hidden behind a seemingly tough exterior. Cancer is symbolized by the crab a skittish creature with a soft inside but a tough outer shell. As one of the most vulnerable signs in the zodiac your identity is marked by a power play between your emotions. You constantly grapple with yourself over whether you should let your emotions be free or if you should keep them bottled inside. Your superpower is empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel what other people are feeling and support them through difficult emotions. Once you embrace your identity as an empath you are better able to accept your own authentic emotions and feelings. 

The element associated with Cancer is water. The water element represents intuitive and psychic gifts, bodies of water, romantic connections, and sensitivity. You are definitely tuned into these aspects of life finding these themes dominate your life circumstances. 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon representative of your desire to take care of others. There is an acute awareness of the subconscious influences that are happening in the world around you. Your identity is marked by a natural intuitive ability.

Chiron in Capricorn ♑︎ in the natal chart

Wound: For those born with Chiron in Capricorn in their natal chart they are carrying a deep soul wounding of feeling alone. This can often lead a person to want to be around and with others but unsure of how to go about doing this. You may fall into bouts of depression if you cannot create the relationships you desire. At times you feel like a drifter as you tend to leave situations before they have fully played themselves out, fearful of what the results may be regardless if the outcome will be positive or negative. You are learning to not avoid your problems but face them head on. 

Healing Gifts: As a person with Chiron in Capricorn you have incredible healing gifts in the form of advocating for people’s needs. You can view a crowd and pick out the person that needs your support. Your intuition is strong and you know how much people appreciate being heard. With this placement you often bring people together, fix people up, or end up being the matchmaker. There is a natural ability to see who would go well with who and what energies will mix well together. Other people truly rely on your prag