Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio

Aquarius  Sun in the Natal Chart

Symbol: The Water Bearer

Element: Air

Key Phrase: I Know

Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus

If you were born when the Sun was in Aquarius then this is your natal Sun sign. Your identity is expressed through the Aquarian themes of knowledge, inventiveness, and neutrality. Your symbol is the water bearer which represents an abundance of knowledge and inspiration being given to humanity.

Aquarius is a future oriented sign and represents humanity’s journey towards truth and enlightenment. With a detached and neutral nature your sign is able to approach life from a depolarized point of view. You have an evolved sense to your identity which causes people to seek you out for your wisdom and perspective. You are also a humanitarian at heart with an intellectual approach to solving the world’s problems. A core need for your identity is feeling smart and intelligent.

You are associated with the air element implying you process everything mentally before feeling it emotionally. You are an ideas person and have an inventive nature about you.

Your sign is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn represents discipline while Uranus represents rebellion. As an Aquarius Sun You love to cause a stir by going against the grain! You can spot trends and have a realistic sense of what the future will be like for society.

Scorpio ♏︎ Moon in the Natal Chart 

The natal chart Scorpio Moon sign is highly perceptive and aware of the motivation of others. You desire to keep your emotions deeply private often finding you need a few close confidants to open up to. As a Scorpio Moon you need an outlet for pent up energy. There is a sensuality and seductive quality to your interactions with others.

Element: The Scorpio Moon is associated with the water element. This gives an emotional and passionate overtone to your personality. In order to feel secure with someone you need loyalty. You take your relationships very seriously as you deeply invest yourself emotionally in everything.

Mood: The Scorpio Moon sign has a tendency to be a lone wolf, moody at times. There is an element of surrender regarding your mood. You are a natural opportunist modifying your mood to suit your situation.

Nurturing Your Moon Sign: You can nurture your Moon sign by giving yourself a lot of time to research a topic or idea. You are naturally investigative therefore valuing your skills in these areas will honor the expression of your Moon sign. Scorpio Moons like to get lost in fantasy as well role playing, watching TV crime shows, or daydreaming.