Scorpio: How to Find your Soulmate

Scorpio: How to Find your Soulmate

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
The Key to finding your match is to first interpret you. Scorpio the double-ruled sign was once thought to be only ruled by Mars, later by Pluto. Truth is to be told that this fantastic, mysterious sign has a unique combination of energy from both planets. Mars the god of war, you have no problem going to war Scorpio. You’ll be prepared to fight for anyone, and you won’t stop until you get what you want. Since Mars is the planet of war it is very active,
your energy can be non-stop especially when it comes to sexual energy. You have the
determination of a warrior and no one can stop you. On the other hand, you have Pluto the
cold planet, which most fear. The planet that rules deaths, sex, the supernatural,
transformation, and rebirth. Sounds familiar to you Scorpio? Yes, that’s right! That’s where
your curiosity about subjects that most people might find to be odd or different comes from.
There is no taboo for you, you can talk all day about topics that perhaps a more
conservative person might find to be strange. When you want to know something or suspect
something you can dig into the cold places that no one can, and you find it! Scorpio, some
say that you’re a hard sign to understand, that you can be cruel but that’s not true at all. You
feel things in a way no other feels. The intensity of your feelings and determination of Mars
can lead you to somehow do, think or even obsess about something or someone. The way
to protect yourself is to feel in control, you love to investigate, and you are overprotective.
Many people don’t know this, but you can be the best partner in the world. You won’t let
anyone come near to harming the ones you love, and you will do anything to help the ones
in need. When it comes to finding your soulmate, it can be a bit of a struggle, not just
anyone can understand you. Your soulmate shall be unique, someone who can understand
your deep emotions as well as your honesty.
When finding your soulmate, you should keep a couple of things in mind, especially
because when you hurt, your pain is extreme. Some of you won’t quit until revenge is
served. Keep in mind that you need someone that will completely understand where you
come from, who will nourish you and keep up with your sexual desires. The ideal match will
keep up with your will power and put aside your dark side, perhaps even make you forget
that you have one. Scorpio needs a person in which they can trust their lives with. Scorpio,
your soulmate will be capable of understanding dark feelings, your desire, your pride, your
passion, your aggressiveness, and power. Elements that best work for you are water and

Water makes sense, your own element what could go wrong?

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
Cancer’s safe shell will not make you feel insecure, by Cancer’s side you’ll feel like you
have a second mother. Someone who will hear you, take care of you and with a great sense
of humor. Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, this is the ideal sign to choose when your

dream is to have a family. Cancer will be the best mother or father not only to you but also
to your children. 
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Pisces the sign ruled by Neptune is a sign that in some the way is a bit similar to you, just
like you, Pisces has a hard-working nature, this sign will provide you the security you need
financially and emotionally. Pisces shares your desire and is very imaginative. Its beautiful
capacity of forgiving and finding ways to distract themselves from the real world will for sure
enhance your life. However, keep in mind that both signs are sensitive so be easy when it
comes to words they can be easily offended. On the other hand, they share unique intuition
and similar personality traits as you. 
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Why Virgo? Now, most of you are thinking how can a sign that is consistently looking for
perfection get along well with Scorpio? Virgos are loyal and can be workaholics at times.
This Mercury-ruled sign loves communication, organization and can be picky at times, but
deep down, Virgos need to feel desired. They both share similar interests and love to
deeply analyze things but in different ways. A Virgo will logically analyze, while Scorpio will
mentally analyze. Making what each sign has to offer ideal and accommodating to each
other’s needs. Despite some differences, these two signs are cordial together. 
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Leaving the best for last, Capricorn. The sign ruled by Saturn, the god of karma. The planet
associated to focus, stability and hard lessons. Both share the fear of being betrayed and
won’t take a step without being suspicious. Capricorn’s conservative and will not spend
money just for any reason, it will guarantee you that you are financially safe and sexually
satisfied since both share the sexual desire and both love to work. Scorpio and Capricorn
have the major capacity of focusing on each other and constructing a future since both are
in it for the long run. Both Earth signs have the capacity of tempering Scorpio’s emotions.
This combination is perfect to learn with each other’s differences.