Saturn Return in Each House

Saturn Return
Saturn the planet of restriction and limitation, it’s the planet that limits you, isolates you and is
the planet that indicates what is your karma and mission in life. Most astrologers defend that a
person is not yet an adult until he or she has gone through a Saturn Return.
What does a Saturn return mean?
At the exact moment that you were born the sign which Saturn was, will define your Saturn
So, for example, if you were born in 1993 your Saturn is in Aquarius and your Saturn return will
take place soon (2020-2023). Saturn is a very slow planet and takes about two years to transit
to another sign. Saturn is known for being the God, Father of Karma. 
This planet will teach you your lesson, it will slow down processes and perhaps even make you
lose things suddenly. A Saturn return usually takes place at the age of 28 to 30 years of age.
To have more details on your Saturn and the aspects we highly suggest that you look at your
Natal Chart.
Before a Saturn Return, wherever Saturn is placed you will feel restricted and fear the subjects
related to the house where it is placed in your natal chart. 
During a Saturn return, you will gain maturity. Saturn forces you to start thinking about your
result of life. During this period, you will find the answers to most of your questions through
hard lessons. This allows you to think about what your mission in life is, and about what you’ve
accomplished so far.  
Saturn Return can have a minimal effect if it is very well placed (for e.g in Aquarius or any other
sign of which it likes)  along with Venus and or Jupiter (planet of love and material and planet of
positivity), creating positive outcomes without delays and providing many material goods.
 If Saturn is retrograded, this means that your karmic lesson is an outcome of the previous life
decisions. In other words, it means that in the past you’ve resisted co-operating in what needed
to be changed. 
Since this is baggage from the past, and if you cooperate, the events in your life will not be as

Most people associate Saturn to punishment, but truth be told, that is not the case. Saturn
forces self-discipline. It’s that father that will teach his child how to live on his or her own
without needing anyone’s help. It will teach you how to live with just yourself and to let go of
co-dependency, as well as having patience and accepting the Universe’s plans.
If you accept Saturn’s role and cooperate you will achieve the final prize. 
The sign where Saturn is placed in your natal chart will indicate your karma, as well as, the
house it is placed in. 
Note: Aspects and depending on the sign it may influence this outcome. Below are examples of
situations on how a direct Saturn will affect the house where it is placed. 
Saturn in the 1st house   Physical Body and Personality 

  •         Lack of self-confidence due to their body 
  •         A disproportional aspect of their body 
  •         Disciplined childhood 
  •         Older Partner 
  •         Workaholics
  •         Inability to express themselves 
  •         Need to prove yourself to others
    During a Saturn Return, they will be forced to build themselves and let go of certain beliefs
    they’ve been encouraged to believe in during their childhood. Saturn return will force them to
    love themselves. During this time, most of these people will seek coaching and improve their
    bodies through diet and activities. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people are more aware that they need to love themselves and will
    achieve more due to self-confidence. 
    Saturn in the 2nd house – Material Possession, income, family environment  
  •         Fear of not having enough 
  •         Only feels secure with money 
  •         Afraid to spend money 
  •         Very attached to material goods
  •         Restrained 
  •         Conservative 
  •         Speech is influenced 
  •         Lack of nourishment from the mother 
  •         Struggle with saving a great amount of money 

During a Saturn Return, these people seem to have unexpected events that will teach them that
saving money is important; however, it will force them to trust themselves when it comes to
After a Saturn Return, these people will find that their financial status is no longer blocked.
They usually receive more after this period. 
Saturn in the 3rd House –  Neighborhood, Relationship with siblings and Communication 

  •         Struggle with siblings
  •         Have a hard time to concentrate 
  •         Naive 
  •         Struggle in communicating through speech 
  •         Great at communicating through writing 
  •         Marriage and Children come later in life 
  •         Have a hard time working in a team 
  •         Have a hard time learning 
  •         Several relationships 
    Before and During a Saturn Return, these people live in constant fear and are forced to do what
    they don’t like – which is working in a team and perhaps performing tasks that you do not like.
    Saturn will test you a lot through this period. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people will realize the importance and the reason why they’ve
    been through several jobs and relationships against their will. After a Saturn Return, they can
    understand the importance of a team, as well as, a relationship. They’ll improve in
    communicating with others.  After a Saturn Return, they’ll maintain a stable relationship with
    the siblings (if they do have siblings). 
    Saturn in the 4th house – Home environment and Father or Mother figure
  •         Strict home environment 
  •         Cold relationship with the parent 
  •         Lack of nourishment and self-esteem
  •         Hard time in finding where home is 
  •         A strong foundation of education 
  •         Very professional 
    Before and During a Saturn Return, these people feel pain in so many ways due to their hard
    past. Saturn will force these people to overcome what they’ve gone through and to be capable
    of loving themselves. During this period Saturn in the 4th house people will find themselves

forced to provide what they’ve hidden their whole life and learn to forgive the circumstances in
their life. 
After a Saturn Return, they’ll feel finally that you are healed and moving on with life, despite
your past. They will accept, forgive and let go of the pain. They’ll be more accepting of why and
how they were treated. After a Saturn Return, these people value their homes like no other.
They understand how it is to not feel like home or to even not have a home. 
Saturn in the 5th house – Children, Creativity, Romance and Academic Education 

  •         Hard time with educating children 
  •         Having Children is delayed 
  •         Marriage is delayed 
  •         Hard time having fun 
  •         Not allowed to have fun as a child or teenager 
  •         Delayed Graduation
  •         Marriage comes later in life 
  •         Not much help from family 
    During a Saturn Return, this person will be forced to learn how to let go of discipline and have
    fun. They are forced to learn how to take a deep breath and enjoy life. Some people during this
    period have children and provide the love and attention that is needed. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people can have more fun instead of always concentrating on
    discipline and order. These people through children will learn how to be creative and how to
    play. This is the typical mother or father that will let go of the day to day routine to make sure
    that his or her child has all the attention of the world. 
    Saturn in the 6th House – Illness, rivals, and work 
  •         Surrounded by Conflicts 
  •         Known for healing 
  •         Delayed career success 
  •         Surrounded by secrecy 
  •         Chronic diseases 
  •         Achieve everything through work, which is usually a very slow process. 
  •         Very Meticulous 
    During a Saturn Return, Saturn will force these people to take care of themselves and not
    prioritize work as much as they do. Saturn will force others to take care of them, while they will

not accept the idea of having others do things for them since they want things done in a certain
way and flawless; however, Saturn needs to understand that they will enjoy what matters in life
and make them understand that not everything can be picture perfect.
After a Saturn Return, these people are more accepting of their flaws as well as others. They’ll
accept help from others and appreciate the bond that is created by doing that. They’ll realize
how important it is to take care of themselves and their health. If they cooperate with Saturn’s
lesson, these people shall be capable of finding a balance between work, themselves, and their
personal life. The outcome shall be fewer conflicts as well as a better-balanced life. 
Saturn in the 7th house – Spouse, Business Relationships 

  •         Delayed Marriage 
  •         Mission to help others 
  •         Marry older people 
  •         Lack of romantic side 
  •         Difficult past relationships due to incapacity of dating casually 
    During a Saturn Return, these people, if already married, they will have more responsibility in
    their marriage life. They will go through a hard time with their spouse; however, these people
    will do their best to maintain the relationship. Some of these people fear marriage and Saturn
    during this period since they’ve dated some people and it never resulted in a long-term
    relationship, which is what they desire. Saturn Return will make these people decide and have a
    different view of marriage and contracts. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people will not fear commitment as much as they do. After this
    period, they’ll find the person who’ll provide them a different idea of what marriage is. Most
    people with this placement find their other half after a Saturn Return. 
    Saturn in the 8th house – Occult, Sexual Desires, Death, Transformation, Unpredictability,
    Shared recourses 
  •         Find themselves consistently in accidents 
  •         Have a very long life
  •         Very good intuition 
  •         Power of healing 
  •         Dedicated to keeping a marriage together 
  •         Fear of transformation 
  •         Fear of death 

During a Saturn Return, these people will deal with the trauma and fear of the subjects of the
8th house. These people are afraid of being taken advantage of due to their past. Saturn will
force them to solve and overcome this fear once after all. 
After a Saturn Return, these people will feel relieved and face their traumas as things of the
past. They’ve forgiven their past and accepted that it couldn’t be any different. 
Saturn in the 9th house – Graduation, Teachers, Philosophy, and Religion 

  •         Had no choice in the belief system 
  •         Far away from father
  •         Delayed education 
  •         Lack of freedom 
  •         Very traditional 
  •         Travel late in life 
  •         Never feel lucky 
  •         Nonfriendly relationship with teachers 
    During a Saturn Return, these people will be forced to get away from what they were brought
    up in. Saturn will force to open the mind of these people and realize that there is more to what
    they’ve learned in their hometown and home environment. You will most likely face other
    points of view as well as other cultures. Saturn will also make these people work extremely
    hard for education. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people will realize how important it is to feel free and to be
    entitled to their point of view. Saturn will also make you appreciate all that hard work to
    succeed and will give the desire to teach others the same. 
    Saturn in the 10th house – Career, Authority, and relationship with the father
  •         Lack of good relationship with father 
  •         Work the most to be respected as an authority figure
  •         Lack of privacy of their personal or professional life 
  •         Late Marriage 
  •         Issues with sleeping 
  •         Fear of failing 
  •         Career delay 

During a Saturn Return, these people are forced to work towards their career and reputation
more than ever. These people need to work the most to achieve their goals. During this time
Saturn will also teach these people to accept that it is ok to fail. During this time dark secrets
will be revealed publicly. 
Saturn After Return, these people will accept that failing is normal, everyone fails in life. They
will realize that to succeed, they need to collapse at times. Once they’ve learned this lesson,
they can take care of themselves and appreciate the work they’ve had all this time. They will
also be more accepting of the information that is known publicly. 
Saturn in the 11th House – Social Circle 

  •         Lack of real friendships 
  •         Fear of confiding in a friend 
  •         Feel very lonely 
    During a Saturn Return, Saturn will force you to be in a crowd. They’ll feel uncomfortable
    showing their vulnerability and creating a friendship; however, they’ll realize at this point, that
    no one lives alone, and that everyone needs a friend. 
    After a Saturn Return, these people will find it easier to let go of the fear of creating a bond
    with someone. They will see that it’s worth risking to create beautiful memories and to have
    support from friends. 
    Saturn in the 12th house 
  •         Stops spirituality 
  •         Forced to support others that are in need 
  •         Required to travel to get great income 
  •         Distance from family 
  •         Need to understand who they are 
    During a Saturn Return, these people will realize who they are. They’ll be capable of being in
    touch with their spirituality and figuring out who they are. 
    After a Saturn Return, receiving their answers through connecting with the universe, religion,
    and spirituality. These people will be capable of understanding their process in life and will
    appreciate helping others.