Saturn: Karmic Debt

Saturn Karmic Debt

As we know, Saturn is the master of Karma, It’s the planet that will teach you the hard way, but that will
free you from whatever it is that is holding you back. Saturn will delay your plans, create obstacles
regarding whatever it is that you need to learn, and the debt that you need to pay from your past life.
Wherever Saturn is in your natal chart, it is a great indicator of where you will have a hard time and
what lesson Saturn is trying to teach you.
There are several ways of understanding what is your mission in life, and what it is that you need to
overcome in this life that you have not in the past, and Saturn is a great indicator of that.
Look at where your Saturn is in your natal chart and we assure you that this article will help you
understand what your karmic debt is.
In this article, we are going to talk about Saturn in the zodiac signs; however, there are other things to
take into consideration such as Saturn aspects other planets, and Saturn in the houses.
Saturn in Aries
When Saturn is in Aries is someone’s natal chart, we can immediately understand that in his or her past
life, the soul experienced cold and tragic situations such as war. In the past life, this person had to learn
how to be detached and cruel at times for the same reason. In this life, this person will experience
situations that will force her or him to gain patience and not be as impulsive.
Saturn in Taurus
When Saturn is in Taurus in someone’s natal chart, in his or her past life, this person had a hard time of
letting go and getting out of the comfort zone, in this life, you will encounter several situations that will
force you to gain self-confidence and you will learn how to break the bad habit of not trying what is new
Saturn in Gemini
Saturn in Gemini is a great indicator of a soul who enjoyed learning; however, he was afraid to teach and
share information with the world. In this life, you shall share what you learn without expecting anything
in return.
Saturn in Cancer
Saturn in Cancer is a great indicator of someone who was very attached to the people he or she loved,
there was a lack of responsibility regarding several family members, which is why in this lifetime usually
people with Saturn in Cancer are forced to leave their hometown and to be far away from family.
Saturn in Leo
In the past life, this was a soul that lived just like a king, abusing his or her power and not very helpful
for others. Living off of showing off and being vain.  In this life, he or she shall help others without
expecting anything in return.
Saturn in Virgo

In the past life, this person was a perfectionist and criticized harshly others, perhaps even did this for a
living through writing or as a hobby. In this life, this person shall learn to accept flaws and not criticize
others. He or she shall accept others with an open heart, and learn that mistakes are part of the process
of learning and being a better person.
Saturn in Libra
In past lives, Saturn in Libra might have been in a role, where he or she had to be diplomatic and neutral.
Perhaps a lawyer or judge; however, he or she was not always neutral and accepted bribing and other
influential factors used in his or her own benefit. In this lifetime, he or she must learn to not commit the
same mistake, forget about money, or any other factors using the truth and only the truth, and make a
decision based on that.
Saturn in Scorpio
In past lives, this person was extremely good at investigating and unraveling the truth, however, this
was not always done with good intentions, this information might have been used to harm others. In
this life, the person’s intuition and capacity of investigation shall be used for good purposes such as self-
improvement, as well as, helping others.
Saturn in Sagittarius
In this past life, this person was very philosophical and very radical, preaching what he or she thought
was right and forcing this idea on others, as well as, being very judgmental while doing so. In this life, he
or she must learn how to not be judgmental and will defend the weakest.
Saturn in Capricorn
In past lives, he or she was very solitary, reserved, and afraid to be vulnerable, emotionally distanced
from others with the fear of failing, and focusing only on his or her own needs. In this life, Saturn in
Capricorn must create memories and connections with others.
Saturn in Aquarius
In past lives, Saturn in Aquarius was very independent, rebel, and was not afraid to detach from any
connection. In this life, Saturn in Aquarius must discover the values of the future and fight for
humanitarian rights.
Saturn in Pisces
In past lives, Saturn in Pisces was very receptive to other people’s emotions; however, using people’s
vulnerability for its own advantage. In this life, this gift shall be used with good intention and not
expecting anything in return. Saturn in Pisces mission is to listen and help others in need of a friend. In
this life, Saturn in Pisces will prove his or her loyalty to others.
Let us know your Saturn and if you can relate to this or now, we look forward to hearing all about your