Saturn in Taurus, Saturn in the 4th House

Saturn in Taurus ♉︎ in the natal chart

Work Style: The individuals with Saturn in Taurus is an extremely hard worker. You are very strict with your schedule and tend to be very disciplined. Upsets or disruptions in the daily routine can be very upsetting to you and work that is unpredictable can be hard for you to sustain. Saturn in Taurus gives you good reasoning and a pragmatic nature. You are okay with taking on responsibility and can be quite stubborn at times. This placement lends to a thoughtful and kind nature. 

Life Lesson: The life lesson of Saturn in Taurus is to overcome your tendency to self sabotage. You often struggle with the challenge of getting in your own way. When things are going well and everything is stable and secure you may tend to create upset or disrupt your sense of security. This may lead you to have trust issues and part of your life lesson is to develop trust with others in relationships and also to have trust in yourself. You may feel undeserving at times, purposefully not allowing in the experience of joy and happiness. This is part of your Saturn lesson to learn to accept that you are without a doubt deserving of having pleasure in your life.

4th House

Keywords: Keywords for the 4th house include home, home life, parents, ancestry, relatives, privacy, birth place, nurturing, self-care, self-love, security, and spiritual initiation. 

Angular House Type: An Angular house type means it is ruled by a cardinal sign. In this case Cancer is the cardinal water sign ruling the 4th house. 

The 4th house in astrology is symbolic of our most private self. It is the part that is the hardest to express, representing things we often keep hidden from others. This house can also be representative of one’s parents, typically one or the other. It can represent what the earliest relationships in one’s life were life and home life environment. The 4th house is representative of one’s relationship with authority, thus the association with a parental figure. 

The areas of life the 4th house oversees include the ways in which you create a home for yourself. It looks at how important having a home base is for you. The 4th house is the security blanket of your natal chart. The sign on the 4th house is symbolic of how you take care of your deepest needs, where you need the most nurturing, support, and comfort. If you have an emphasis of planets in the 4th house in your natal chart this may indicate you tend to be shy or keep things to yourself, only revealing your true self to a select few individuals.