Saturn in Aries, Saturn in the 1st House

Saturn in Aries ♈︎ in the natal chart

Work Style: Saturn in Aries in the natal chart is typically very disciplined and controlled. You express the opposite of the outgoing and freedom loving Arian energy instead making yourself more cautious and drawn inward. You often enjoy having someone else lead the way. Sticking to your work routine can be a struggle and doing a job that allows you to travel, move around, or manage crisis are best for your Saturn in Aries placement. 

Life Lesson: Saturn in Aries is learning the valuable lesson of self love. You are learning to accept all aspects of yourself and integrate them into your rich and wonderful identity. As Saturn represents life’s road blocks this planet may put up blocks when it comes to you self expression. You have the desire to show the world who you are but feel stuck in some way and unable to bring your authentic self forward. Saturn in Aries individuals are working through lesson of finding courage. You are learning to be fearless and true to yourself. This will require risk taking, making yourself vulnerable, and often placing yourself in situations that require you to be brave.

1st House

Keywords: The keywords associated with the first house are individualism, identity, selfishness, ego, personality, infancy, imitating, starting line, and destiny. 

Angular House Type: An Angular house is ruled by a cardinal sign. Aries is the cardinal fire sign ruling the 1st house. 

The 1st house in astrology is representative of how you express your self identity. The sign on the 1st house in the natal chart symbolizes the energy through which you tend to filter all of your experiences. 

Here you get to know yourself, your basic needs, and desire to be seen as an individual. In the 1st house you are having a “me” experience. This house is symbolic of initiation and impulsivity. 

Planets placed in the 1st house in the natal chart tend to be very heavily emphasized. These planets will be expressed more easily in your personal expression and circumstances. This is the house is symbolic of where we first breath life into ourselves, where existence first begins. This part of the astrological chart is ego driven in the search for self identity. Here you get to perform or act out the person you are or want to be.