Sagittarius Under Stress: Sagittarius Dark Side

Sagittarius Under Stress: Sagittarius Dark Side

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Sagittarius this sign which is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of expansion and positive
energy. Sagittarius transmits such positive energy. It has such a great gift of seeing the bright
side of everything no matter what happens to it. It’s as if Sagittarius is born masters of the law
of attraction they’re great at accepting the Universe’s plans and see their obstacles as lessons.

Sagittarius is free-spirited it does not hold on to material items nor on to money. They know
that there’s more to life than there is to buy a fancy car or house. Living life to them is traveling,
getting to know the world, learning different languages and cultures.

Now, enough about what’s good about Sagittarius, let’s go on and see what you’re actually
curious about, Sagittarius’s bad side.

Number 1: Sorry, It was just a joke…
Sagittarius has a great sense of humor; however, not everyone can enjoy that. Some might find
their jokes to be offensive.

Number 2: I will make you feel as if you’ve never existed.
Sagittarius, when is mad at someone will not show it. Instead, Sagittarius will move on very well
with its life, making the other person feel as if they were never important to Sagittarius.
Sagittarius masters very well the art of ignoring you.

Number 3: Lacks Organizations
Sagittarius is carefree and really doesn’t care if the dishes weren’t washed or if their clothes are
on the floor. They’ll be more focused on what they’re going to do today and leave those tasks
for the bottom of the list. Until it gets to the point where they’ll drive themselves crazy and
won’t find anything around the house.

Number 4: Sorry, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t my business
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter the preacher, so it’s no surprise that Sagittarius absolutely loved to
preach and teach the world its essence. However, you might find a Sagittarius giving its opinion
on how other people should live their life, it honestly comes from a good place, however, many
might not appreciate it.
Number 5: I want your advice, but I will just end up doing whatever I want.
Sagittarius can ask for advice from someone but it will only waste the other person’s time.
Sagittarius are confident in their opinions and ideas and only seek for other people’s advice just
for validation, however, Sagittarius is very optimistic and his decision making won’t go wrong.

Number 6: It wasn’t me…
Sagittarius’s are horrible at sticking to their promises, timelines, and responsibilities. People
might give them a hard time about it, they won’t assume that they’re wrong they will just run
away from it.

Number 6: Sloppy
As mentioned before, Sagittarius does not value material items nor appearance. You’ll find
Sagittarius sometimes very sloppy when it comes to their own personal image. That’s because
Sagittarius woke up late and wasn’t careful to wear the right pair of socks or an ironed shirt.

Number 7: No Filter

Sagittarius has a very short temper and when it’s mad there is no filter in its mouth. Sagittarius
will raise its voice and say what he should plus what he shouldn’t. This is a very bad habit leading
it to offend the ones that most care about Sagittarius. After a while, Sagittarius will recognize
that it wasn’t the right thing to do.

Number 8: No Plans, Get your backpack and let’s go!

Sagittarius is the kind of sign that will arrive home and suddenly want to go camping. It won’t
care that it has a project to finish until the next day. Sagittarius won’t mind if its raining or not, It

wants to go on the special adventure and will not plan ahead. Sagittarius will forget most part of
his personal items behind, and will for sure get in trouble for not finishing that paper on time.

Number 9: Need For Freedom

Sagittarius feels the need the be free, which is why they have such a hard time committing to
someone. It’s not that they don’t love the person, they just need to have their space too. Not
everyone can understand that.

Number 10: Let Me Travel First, I’ll Figure Out a Way on How to Pay the Bills.

Sagittarius has that thirst for adventure, that urge to be surrounded by what is different and
nature. So you will find a Sagittarius traveling most of their time, however, Sagittarius won’t be
concerned that there is a late bill to pay, it’s just money and Sagittarius needs to get away from
its home town. Funny enough, Sagittarius always finds a way to solve a problem even if it’s
money. They’re the master of the Law of Attraction and many people envy that.