Pluto Transit

Pluto Transit

Most people fear a Pluto transit, and I can understand why. This is a transit that will make you go through very hard times, and will take you to dark places; however, wherever it transits, it will clean
karma as well. So, look at it, as if it were the hard treatment where you go through the hardest pain that
you’ve ever been in, but that the prize is worth it.
Pluto is the planet that rules Scorpio and is the planet of death and rebirth, mysticism, the occult. It is no
surprise that many people fear its transit.
It is true! Pluto will make you face the deepest fears and traumas of your soul, so that it can cleanse
your karma.
Rather than fighting, a step to cleansing our karma is accepting the lesson that the universe has to
provide you with.
A great way of understanding how a Pluto Transit will affect you is by analyzing in which Natal house it
will transit. We know that Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will be there until 2024.
So these past few years, you might relate to the following.
First House
Pluto in the first house, means that this is a soul that has gone through a hard time dealing with mental
issues, and who is still, in the process of learning, you will go through a complete transformation, during
this time Pluto will teach you how to be strong since you have no choice, but to do so. You can
experience some health issues, as mentioned before this house will make you face your fears; however,
you will achieve success and personal power with this transit.
Second House
Pluto in the second house indicates a soul that was extremely powerful and attached to material gains.
Through a Pluto Transit, Pluto will force you to realize that material gains are not as important as you
think. Pluto will make you face yourself and figure out how you feel about yourself through this process.
This transit is all about finding your true self above all and recognizing your worth. You will also find an
obstacle when it comes to speaking about the truth or past trauma.
Third House
Pluto in the third house will make you dig deep intellectually, you will start to put aside certain opinions,
purifying your ideas and the way about how you think about things. You will no longer believe what
someone says “just because” you will research and learn through logic, someone going through a Pluto
transit in the third house will develop self-critical thinking. This also indicates some struggles between
siblings or relatives.
Fourth House

Pluto in the fourth house will force you to cure emotionally wounds that have been open since the past
life. This is a great indicator that there is an emotional issue that needs to be solved, especially with the
people that create our home, especially the father figure. During this time, you will experience issues
with the family or home, teaching you to solve this once and for all. During this time, you may
experience the death and birth of a family member.
Fifth House
Pluto in the fifth house will make you meet someone from the past life or even someone for your past.
You can develop great passion and deep emotions for this person that you have never had before. This
transit can also transform your life by the birth of a child, or by struggling with children as well. During
the period, it is important that you learn to not be obsessive with people or with your ideas, to explain
them in a calm way using always valid reasons.
Sixth House
Pluto in the sixth house indicates that you will start to analyze your work deeply, this will no longer be
that job that will put food on the table, you’ll start to overthink if it is worth doing something that brings
no personal satisfaction to you (if that’s the case), this transit can also bring health issues, given that it is
transiting the house of health, you may experience issues related to the liver, spinal issues, bones or
even with intestines. You will be forced to change your routine and habits. You may experience issues or
death of a pet.
Seventh House
Pluto transiting the house that represents other people such as the spouse or business relationships, will
force you to solve once and for all karmic relationships. You also might enter a relationship that will
force you to solve and face your deepest darkest secrets and traumas. Depending on other aspects of
your chart this can also mean that you will meet the love of your life.
Eight House
Pluto transiting its home will most certainly make you face the opportunity of metamorphosis. Pluto will
force you to solve issues that have not yet been resolved, you can face issues with intimacy or with
savings as well.
Ninth House
Pluto transiting the Ninth House forces you to create new goals in life, your belief system might have
been conditioned by family members or traditional values, during this time period you may find yourself
creating your own belief system and own values.
Tenth House
During this period, you will know if you have done well or good with others in your past life. Depending
on your Karma, you may find yourself having issues regarding your career in your workplace, someone
may block you from having success in your career.
Eleventh House

This transit will force you to learn who is your true friend and who is not. You will experience friendships
that will change your life forever.
Twelfth House
Pluto transiting through the twelfth house will make you face your past life traumas and fears gained
through childhood as well. You may experience depression or other mental issues. You may feel as if
your life is being controlled through others or though black magic as well. This is a difficult period,
however, after this period your wounds will be cured.
NOTE: This does not mean that you will experience all of this, during the Pluto transit you should check if
Pluto creating an aspect with other planets and if there are good aspects such as a trine or sextiles.
Now, before you fear this transit please remember that this is a process of death and birth and this will
cleanse your Karma. After this transit, you will be a whole new person.
Let us know which transit you’ve gone through and how it has affected you.

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