Pluto in Scorpio, Pluto in the 12th House

Pluto in Scorpio ♏︎

Last Transit: Years 1984-1995

The Pluto in Scorpio in the natal chart generation is here to transform society’s relationship to elements of life often thought of as private. Individuals born during this time are helping society accept things once thought of as taboo. Important life themes for the Pluto in Scorpio generations include sex, the occult, and death. You are bringing a restructuring to society’s view of these things. You are hoping for greater tolerance of sexual expression, spiritual connection, and uncovering aspects of life that have been repressed. You are asking people to address the shadows that exist in life and not create a facade that pushes reality farther and farther away. Pluto in Scorpio individuals may be very drawn to risky behaviors as you seek to experience all aspects of life, love, pain, and everything in between. At times people born during this generation have trouble accepting ghost or spirit contact experiences instead making a complete rejection of the spiritual realm all together. Your generation is sending out a wake up call through a spirit of rebellion. You are a generation representative of anarchy, compelled to fight against the systems you feel forced to live within. People born during this time have a tendency to be very intense and unapologetic in their approach to making a statement.

Pluto in the 12th House

Keywords: The 12th house is associated with psychic abilities, spiritualism, multi-dimensions, the ocean, creativity, hospitals, prison, institutions, space, the vast universe, escapism, altered states of consciousness, meditation, traps, identity crisis, soul’s journey, mystery, secrecy.

Cadent House Type: A Cadent house type is ruled by a mutable sign. Pisces is the mutable water sign overseeing the 12th house.

The 12th house in astrology is the hardest part of your chart to get to know. It is often said about this house that everyone else see’s it before you do. In traditional astrology this house is often associated with “undoing” or self-sabotage. Another spin given to the 12th house is one of a very spiritual context; reaching states of complete freedom from one’s ego, merging with all of the universe. Escapist activities such as drugs, drinking, watching television, and compulsions are often found here in the12th house.

This area of the chart talks about going on a journey to uncover your own secrets, subconscious, and psyche. It symbolizes pealing back the layers to reveal the authentic self underneath. Psychic gifts, spiritualism, and karma are also found here. The 12th house is often associated with the lesson of boundaries by experiences places that can make you feel “trapped” or “locked” in.