Pluto in Libra, Ascendent in Sagittarius (Sagittarius Rising)

Pluto in Libra ♎︎

Last Transit: Years 1971-1984

Pluto in the Libra in the natal chart generation are working through tendencies of indecision and “failure to launch.” Your generation is looking to transform yourselves through finding a steady balance somewhere between love and hate. At times you find it very difficult to be motivated in a world full of conflict and competing agendas. You may find yourself getting involved in the drama, finding this easier than really standing up to fight. Pluto in Libra individuals are transforming the way we love. You are bringing new forms of relationships to the world and this can be a difficult thing for older generations to accept. Your radical approach to sex, dating, and marriage are helping tip the scales in a new direction. Plutonian energy is powerful and strives to make an impact over the course of many years. You will see the fruits of your labor, the lesson here is to stick with it. Finding you inner stamina and drive to see something through to the end may cause you to give up too early. Keep imaging and dreaming of the world you want to see yourself in. Free love and community are very possible with the Pluto in Libra generation’s energy.

Sagittarius ♐︎ Ascendent in the Natal Chart

Astrological Body Part: Hips & Liver

Chart Ruling Planet: Jupiter

If Sagittarius was the sign on the horizon when you were born then this is your Ascendent or Rising sign. A Sagittarius Rising will be bold, dramatic, and highly expressive in how they present themselves to others. You have a rebellious streak that comes out in your defiance against authority figures as you neglect the status quo. As a Sagittarius Rising you get a thrill out of defying those placed in positions of power. 

Style: Your style is often full of bright colors and patterns. You like to adorn yourself in clothing and jewelry that give off a multi-cultural vibe. Typically a world traveler you will have collected interested items to style yourself or home with. You are not afraid of bright red hair or allowing your hair to grow long running wild and free like the mane of a horse, your astrological symbol. 

Talents: As a Sagittarius Rising you are a very skilled scholar and intellectual. You have a way with words utilizing the power of your ruling planet Jupiter to reach a wide audience. Naturally able to start a riot you inspire others to follow your society defying ways. You are very smart while also bringing people joy and abundance.