North Node (NN) in Taurus, Chiron in Gemini

North Node in Taurus ♉︎ 

The North Node in Taurus in the natal chart symbolizes your life purpose or soul urge towards persistence and patience. The zodiac sign of Taurus is associated with a slow pace and enjoyment of the pleasures in life. With your North Node in Taurus you are learning to take your time, set personal boundaries, and recognize how to meet your needs are. 

Individuals with this placement are learning not to be too intense. You are moving at your own speed, possibly needing to take things one step at a time. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in the sign of Scorpio. This may lead you to feel at times that life is throwing too much at you, all at once, and too soon. You may have had life circumstances that forced you to “grow up” early and you feel that you missed out on childhood experiences. 

The North Node in Taurus is helping you achieve the sense of self-worth you feel you have been denied. You are exploring this through pleasure in life. By slowing down you will give yourself the time you need to bring greater awareness to your personal life experience. You soul is drawn towards helping other’s put the breaks on when things are out of control or moving to fast.

Chiron in Gemini ♊︎ in the natal chart

Wound: Chiron in Gemini in the natal chart indicates a soul wound in which you over think emotions and have trouble seeing the depth of the human spirit. You may struggle with being misunderstood or having your intentions misinterpreted by others. This placement implies being very analytical to the point that you easily fall into stereotyping or categorizing everyone and everything. You may put yourself in a box which can contain self limiting beliefs. The boundaries of your thought process tend to be quite fixed and you at times desire to be more open than your mind will allow. 

Healing Gifts: You have the healing gift of awakening ideas in others. When people talk to you they feel empowered, bold, and like they have gained a deeper insight into their own life circumstances. You have the unique ability to draw people out of their ruts of negative thinking. Chiron in Gemini represents a muse like quality where you inspire and motivate others to expand their world view and thought patterns. You have an openness about you that helps others feel justified in asking questions. Individuals with this placement often have the gift of assisting other’s on spiritual journeys or through powerful spiritual awakenings.