North Node (NN) in Gemini, Chiron in Leo

North Node in Gemini ♊︎

The North Node in Gemini in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge towards learning to see all sides of a situation and communicate a sense of curiosity in the unknown. Individuals born with this placement are coming to terms with the dual nature of the universe and in doing so learning to de-polarize themselves. 

On an esoteric level you understand that many aspects of life contain duality in the form of opposites. You are experiencing life situations that allow you to better understand the value in finding a middle ground. With this you are developing an understanding that opposites are either end of the spectrum and many varieties exist in between. There may be cycles throughout your life where you radically shift your focus from one polar opposite to another trying to find the balance within yourself.

The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Sagittarius. This may give you a sense that you think you see the bigger picture when in fact you are missing a piece of the puzzle. Your soul is learning to be curious, to ask questions, and be open to new and varying points of view.

Chiron in Leo ♌︎ in the natal chart

Wound: If you have Chiron in the sign of Leo in your natal chart then you are working with a wounding of the solar principle. The solar principle is associated with active, outgoing, and confident forms of creativity. This means there is a shadow cast over your ability to express yourself. You may have trouble showing off or accepting praise for a job well done. Chiron in Leo individuals are often excessively humble to the point of putting a damper on their own creativity. You have a deep longing to be known for something you make, conceive, or initiate. 

Healing Gifts: A healing gift you possess with Chiron in Leo is bringing out decisiveness and creativity in others. You seem to spark in others a desire to construct the most brilliant, alluring, and glorious expressions of society. People often see you as a catalyst for opening up the creative aspect within themselves or their latent that was waiting to be awakened. You are excellent at giving people positive feedback and encouragement for their talents. As a person with this placement other people are really intrigued by your opinion. You have great potential to influence bring healing energy to other people in order for them to feel confident, special, and unique.