North Node and South Node Signs

A great way of getting to know your mission in life is to look at the South Node and North Node in your
natal chart. These two are great indicators of how you reacted in the past life, and what you should
achieve in this life.
The South Node represents what you were in the past, and what was the mistake you committed. The
North Node represents what your mission in this life is.
After reading this article, some of you can relate to why you are going through certain obstacles in life,
and why you should learn to accept them as a lesson that you were brought to this world to learn.
Finding out your South Node and North Node is easy; this information is in your natal chart. Look at
what signs they are in and the houses as well.
So, for example:
If your North Node is in Sagittarius and your South Node in Gemini, look at where these signs are in your
natal houses. If you are a libra rising these are in your third and ninth houses. Makes sense?
We hope this tip helps you figure it out.
In this article, we are focusing on the signs; however, we also explain the houses in another article.
Below are the descriptions:
North Node and South Node Signs:
North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra
In past lives, the person’s happiness depended on others in this life this person shall learn to have his or
her own identity, to not depend on others to be happy and to cherish the moment.
North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio
In the past life, this person only though about pleasure disregarding other people’s feelings. He or she
may have created many karmic relations. In this life, the person lives with a major fear of losing the
people he or she loves the most, leading her or him to be very overprotective at times. In this life, the
lesson is to dedicate him or herself to others and to create stable bonds.
North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius  
In the past life, this person enjoyed adventure was curious, but always had a hard time focusing. In this
life, he or she shall learn to focus and provide knowledge to others, as well as, to respect others rather
than just going on an adventure and having fun.
North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn
In the past life, this person never learned how to deal with the fear of failing and always desired success
and recognition of his or her work, in this lifetime he or she can suffer from illness. He or she shall learn
to deal with his or her vulnerability accept emotions, as well as, to protect family members from the

North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius
In the past life, this person never highlighter or brought to voice what it was that she or she thought was
truly fair, in this life this person shall serve and fight for human rights without expecting recognition for
doing so, and with a heart full of love, loyalty and passion.
North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces
In the past life, this person was a daydreamer with a great imagination; he or she might have
disappointed many people due to lack of transparency and not being realistic. In this lifetime he or she
shall create his or her ideas and expose them with clarity and being as realistic as possible to avoid what
was done in the past.
North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries
In the past life, this person was very impatient, controlling, and impulsive. Not caring about what others
thought, not listening to others and very stubborn. In this life, this person must learn to listen to what
others have to say, value other people’s opinions and advice, as well as, learn to not be impulsive to
react based on rationality and to be as fair as possible.
North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus  
In the past life, this person was extremely careful and feared change, especially regarding the people
that surrounded him or herself. In this life, the person is suspicious and will learn to analyze or
investigate before creating any changes; however, he or she will accept change.
North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini
In the past life, this person was very curious and would like to learn, having a hard time focusing and
digging into details, and being very indecisive. In this lifetime, he or she shall focus entirely on being
loyal, dedicated to focusing on what is to be learned.
North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer
In past lives, this person was highly dependent on family to take care of him or her. This person never
found the necessity of facing responsibility or obligations. In this life, this person shall learn how to
decide and act for him or herself. Not expecting family members to assist whenever he or she is in
trouble. This person shall gain knowledge, optimism, and responsibility in this life.
North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo
In the past lives, this person was highly selfish and did not value other people. He or she easily ghosted
people due to pride. In this life, he or she shall learn to value other people and serve people as well.
Something as simple as providing food and care to people that are in need.
North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
In past lives, this person was highly nervous and always looking for perfection in whatever he or she did.
This person was very practical and analytical not very receptive to other people’s feelings because that
did not make sense to someone that was extremely rational. In this life, this person will learn to be more
receptive and compassionate, to learn self-confidence, and to trust intuition rather than analyzing

Let us know where your North Node and South Node and if you can somehow relate to what you have
been trying to achieve in life.
We look forward to hearing your feedback in the comments.

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