North Node and South Node Houses

A great way of getting to know your mission in life is to look at the South Node and North Node in your
natal chart.

These two are great indicators of how you reacted in the past life, and what you should
achieve in this life.
The South Node represents what you were in the past, and what was the mistake you committed. The
North Node represents what your mission in this life is.
After reading this article, some of you can relate to why you are going through certain obstacles in life,
and why you should learn to accept them as a lesson that you were brought to this world to learn.
Finding out your South Node and North Node is easy; this information is in your natal chart. Look at
what signs they are in and the houses as well.
So, for example:
If your North Node is in Sagittarius and your South Node in Gemini, look at where these signs are in your
natal houses. If you are a libra rising these are in your third and ninth houses. Makes sense?
We hope this tip helps you figure it out.
In this article, we are focusing on the natal houses; however, we also explain the signs in another article.
Below are the descriptions:
Natal Houses
North Node in the first house, South Node in the Seventh House
Since the south node is in the house of partners, this means that the person was too worried about
others and avoided taking care of him or herself through the process. In this life, the person must learn
to take care of her or himself before others and know how to balance self-love with other people’s
North Node in the second house, South Node in the Eight House
In the past life, this person was very spiritual isolating from society and focusing on mystical and
occulted matters. This person lacked knowledge of earning or managing money. Which is why in this
lifetime, she or he shall learn to balance spirituality with the material.
North Node in the third house, South Node in the Ninth House
In the past life, this person was highly dedicated to philosophy and learned a lot, however, there was
always an inability to share the knowledge with others. In this life, this person shall Share information,
without recognition or expecting anything in return.
North Node in the fourth house, South Node in the Tenth House
In the past life, this person was a very hard worker and dedicated most part of the time managing others
as a career, putting aside from family most of the time. In this life, the person will learn how to balance a
job with a family.
North Node in the fifth house, South Node in the Eleventh House

In the past life, this person was very concerned with the reputation and social status. He or She would
do everything to please his or her friends, leaving children behind. In this lifetime, the universe will force
this person to spend time with his or her children, and to be guided through intuition rather than to be
guided through other’s opinions.
North Node in the sixth house, South Node in the Twelfth House
This person was very isolated and did not give any importance to matters of society. There was a lack of
a job, healthcare, and other daily obstacles. In this lifetime, the person shall face what he or she did not
face in the past life, he or she shall get a job, be healthy and face obstacles rather than isolating and
avoiding them.
North Node in the seventh house, South Node in the First House
In the past life, this person was very selfish and only focused on him or herself, disregarding other
people’s needs. In this lifetime he or she shall learn to worry and take care of others as well.
North Node in the eight houses, South Node in the Second House
In the past life, this person was highly concerned with the material matters of life, forgetting about the
spiritual side of life and lacking faith. In this life, the person shall learn how to balance both and most
importantly learn how to have faith.
North Node in the Ninth house, South Node in the Third House
In the past life, this person was very curious and would like to learn; however, never sticking to what he
or she had to learn until the end. In this lifetime, he or she shall focus entirely on what is to be learned
and will perhaps travel most of the time to do so.
North Node in the tenth, South Node in the Fourth House
In past lives, this person was highly dedicated to his or her career, leaving behind family and only caring
about his or her success. In this life, he or she will be forced to take care of family needs.
North Node in the eleventh and South Node in the Fifth House
In the past lives, this person was highly strict and demanding with others, especially with children. In this
lifetime he or she shall learn to not commit the same mistake and to be more generous. To trust that
there is no need to close people or control them.
North Node in the twelfth house South Node in the Sixth House
In past lives, this person was mostly dedicated to working for a living, working a job that did not
contribute to his or her own personal satisfaction, leaving desires and the career of dream on the side.
In this lifetime, the person shall love what he or she does for a living and above all take care of his or her
health while doing so.
Let us know where your North Node and South Node and if you can somehow relate to what you have
been trying to achieve in life.
We look forward to hearing your feedback in the comments.